Bonus Chapter 1

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"Hey, love, are you okay?"

I tensed when I heard his voice and quickly wiped away a few tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I could hear footsteps and short after Michael sat down next to me and laid his arm around my shoulder, but I didn't look up from the floor.

"You are not fine, what's wrong?"

"This is just all so stressful, we still haven't written the invitations, but we already have the venue and date, but we don't have food or anything, we are running out of time and I don't know how we'll get everything ready."

"Why don't we just screw this all?"

I looked up, I was expecting to see him grinning, to see just something in his face that told me he was joking.

But his expression were nothing but serious.

"I don't want that pressure on you and I don't want to wait any longer. I want to call you my wife as soon as possible. We can just enlope."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. We can do that. Right now. We can fly away without anyone knowing and we can get married."

"We can't do that, the others will kill us."

"Why don't we take them with us? Why do we make such a big deal out of this anyway? Is there anyone else you'd like at our wedding but Asthon, Calum, Luke, Nathalie, Layla, Maddy and Aiden?"

"What about your parents? All your friends? There are just so many other people that would want to be there."

"Screw them. The band, your brother and Layla are the most important people and we don't need anyone else there. And Aiden and Maddy are in Sydney at the moment so that is the perfect timing."

"Are you really sure about that?"

He nodded. "Yes."

I smiled at him. "Alright."

He stood up again, a big grin on his face. "You get Layla, Aiden and Maddy and I give a call to the rest."

I laughed. "We are really doing this now, right?"

"There is no way back."

"I love you."

He was already about to leave the room but turned around again quickly. "I love you too."

I already wrote five chapters of my new fanfic and I'm so excited to publish them skksjk

I already published the prologue, the book is called Safe Haven and I'd be extremely grateful if y'all would check it out uwu

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