Chapter 43

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Mikey <3:
Can I ask you something?

Of course, you can ask me anything

Mikey <3:
Did you ever think about seeing a therapist or something?


I thought about it, obviously, but I really don't want to

Mikey <3:
But ignoring your problems will not make you feel better

Mikey <3:
Long term this will just make it worse, love

You told me you'd help me with my problems.

You promised me.

You even said something like help fixing me.

I don't need anyone else.

I have you.

Mikey <3:
I know, I know

Mikey <3:
Please don't be mad at me for saying that, I really want to help

Mikey <3:
But in reality this isn't working like in books and movies. You can't just get yourself some friends or fall in love or something and suddenly all your problems are solved and you are okay again.

Mikey <3:
Sometimes you need help from people who know what they are doing.

I'm not mental

Mikey <3:
I know, I never said you are

Mikey <3:
You don't need to be mental to see a therapist

Mikey <3:
It's not that big of a deal

I don't need to talk to strangers about my problems.

Mikey <3:
I don't want to fight over this with you. Just think about it, okay? You want to get better, right?

I need to go now, text you later.

Mikey <3:
Bye :/

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