Chapter 94

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It wasn't an unusual sight for me to see Layla with my phone in her hands on my bed anymore, so I didn't even question what she was doing when I entered my room.

"Dumb question, but how long do you plan on staying here?"

The girl shrugged and looked at her suitcase and the messy room that was full of her clothes. "You guys have a washing machine?"

"Of course."

"And would I be allowed to use it?"

"Of course."

"Then, as long as possible."

"What about your parents?"

"They don't care."

I sat down next to her. "I like having you around, it's less lonely. I'm meeting Michael in December though."

"So, I can stay till December? For like three more months?" Layla laughed and handed me my phone back. "Luke is hella funny by the way."

"I wouldn't mind you being here for that long and I don't think Aiden even cares."

I looked through the chats with Luke a bit, finding one particular message very interesting.


I'd like to be able to also text you when you leave Vienna again

Smooth way to ask me for my phone number


"Do you like Luke?"

Layla shrugged and shook her head afterwards. "He's cute and funny and everything, but just... I definitely don't like him like that. I'm not looking for anything at the moment and I'd never want a long-distance relationship anyway." The words left her mouth fluent and easy, making me believe her. "At least you'll stop using my phone all the time then."

Layla nodded chuckling, "Sorry about that."

I shrugged it off and all of a sudden Layla sat up straight in bed and grinned at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"'Cause I want you to talk about Michael with me."

I couldn't help but smile at the mention of my boyfriend. "There really isn't a lot to talk about at the moment."

"You said you'll meet him in December?"

"Yeah, like the end of December, we'll fly to Amsterdam together."

Layla let out a girly giggle. "Aww, that's so cute, for your anniversary?"

I nodded smiling.

"What will you get him?"

I hit my forehead and groaned, "Damn, I have absolutely no idea."

My best friend took my hand away from my head and chuckled. "I can help you, we can do some brainstorming about this?"

"Wouldn't that be weird?"

She just shrugged and took a piece of paper and a pen from my desk and wrote Michael in the middle of it.

"Ideas, tell me whatever crosses your mind."

"A guitar."

"Expensive, but cool." She wrote it down.

"A trip somewhere?"

She shrugged and wrote that down as well.

"CD's or Vinyls?"

"Your ideas should get better, not worse, that's nothing personal, cool, yeah, but not personal."

I sighed and rested my head on my hands, trying to think of something better.

"Concert tickets?"

"That's a good idea, what band?" She wrote it down.

"Green Day?" I suggested unsure.

"Sounds good."

"Feels good" I added, causing Layla to grin.

"Maybe you have an idea for something that lasts longer, more than just an evening?"

"A watch?"

She just looked at me a bit, then she wrote it down as well, drawing a circle around the word.

"I like it, what exactly do you have in mind?"

"One of those that are made out of wood? They are so cool."

"You can let the back of it get engraved.“

"That sounds awesome!"

Layla smiled and circled the word another time, putting an exclamation mark next to it.

"I like it, you should do that."

"I will, that's honestly so cool."

The girl in front of me nodded in agreement. She laid the pen and paper back on its place.

"That was easy."

On the same very evening we both sat next to each other, my laptop was on one of her legs and one of mine.

We were looking at watches together.

They had quite a lot, and they were quite cool.

To be honest, I wanted one myself.

I ended up ordering one made out of Leadwood, we both agreed that it was the one that looked the best.

"The date you wrote him the dm or the date you got together?"

"The date we got together."


I smiled, that was perfect.

"This is so cute" Layla said, I agreed, and she laid her head on my shoulder.

It was quiet for a few moments until Layla started thinking out loud, "I wonder what he will get you." She smirked slightly.

"Seeing him again is everything I want."

Layla smiled and looked at me. "You can clearly see how much you love him, I want a relationship like that one day, you are perfect for each other."

The words made me grin. "I can't even put into words how much I love him. I can't imagine my life without him anymore."

"I don't think you'll ever need to imagine it without him."

I really was hoping for nothing more than these words to be true.

I Won't Leave You || mgcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora