Chapter 95

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This chapter is like extremely long but I'll not be able to update on the weekend, so enjoy.

And just if you haven't noticed already: they still live in Syndey in this fanfic, just cuz I love Australia and I miss their accents.

Leave some comments and votes, love y'all xx


I hugged Layla one last time, a very long time.

When we pulled away she laughed slightly, "Have fun with Michael." She had a smug grin on her face and I pushed her lightly, causing her to laugh once again. She held her hands up in surrender, "Just saying."

"Text me when you are bored during the train ride."

"All the time? Perfect."

"If you can cope with me that long. I'll send you memes."

Layla chuckled and hugged Aiden, who stood next to us, quickly, he was a bit surprised at first, but wrapped his arms around her body as well. "Thanks for letting me stay with you guys that long."

"No worries" my brother smiled at her, "You can stop by whenever you want."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind, and good luck with Maddy."

My brothers' cheeks heat up. "Uh... thanks."

We said goodbye to each other another time and I watched my best friend entering the train. I waved at her when it took off and watched her drive away.

I knew that not having her around again would feel weird and the apartment would seem lonelier than ever.

But Layla and I had a great time together. We didn't need to do something special or go somewhere to have fun, sometimes we were just enjoying each other's company and that was great. I knew that I could tell her everything, I knew that I could trust her.

The nights we spent talking were uncountable.

So were the days we were just lying next to each other, reading, watching TV or both of us on our phones.

And that was exactly the kind of friendship I wanted.

The kind of friendship I needed.



To say I was nervous when we arrived at the airport would be more than just an understatement.

Aiden didn't say a lot while we were waiting for the plane, he knew that absolutely nothing could calm me down.

It wasn't a bad nervous, of course I was shaking, I was freaking out, but, after all, I knew that I was going to see him again. Nothing about this could be bad – it was great actually.

We were quite early, which was probably my fault since I kept telling Aiden to hurry, but that wasn't a big deal.

Now we just needed to wait longer, and I was freaking out even more.

Not a big deal.

"Wanna grab some coffee?"

I looked up to my brother and locked eyes with him for a brief moment. I nodded hastily. Coffee sounded good, coffee sounded right.

Coffee sounded like it wouldn't calm me down, but at least it would taste good.

The boy helped me up and we walked to the nearest place where we could get coffee, it was a bit crowded, but it wasn't too bad. Being the good brother Aiden is he ordered for me.

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