Pain shot up to my cheek. Camila's hand stayed in the air for a second before it landed on her side.

"Get out. "

I couldn't see her face since her locks of hair covered it as she stares at the floor.


"Get the fuck out! "

I hate myself.

Hours pass by slowly for me. Time was mocking me. I could feel time itself grinning its clock like face at me.

Maybe I am going mad.

"Stupid, " I mutter with my back towards a wall.

Night has already fallen. The dark abandoned alley suited my mood and situation.

I am now homeless. And hungry. Very hungry. Also damn homeless.

From my angle on the hard floor I could see people passing by. Some were even smiling with their partners or friends.

At most times I would have even look at them longing for the same but now all I felt was disgust.

"What's the point? " I ask out loud to the God's above.

Friends are just like expectations, you have high hopes for them in the beginning, but just like every person's expectations you'll only be goddamn disappointed in the end.

"Damn it, " Rain and thunder appeared by the unfair God in the sky.

I stood up but sat back down. Where will I go? I've been kick out from the only home I know. The friends I have wouldn't want me in their homes in fear of the media. Who would want a jobless — and now homeless — friend to be seen to the whole fucking world? Nobody.

I hate myself.

Miserably I found myself walking towards a god forsaken place. From head to toe I could feel water sliding inside and out. Even my nethers feel cold.

Nevertheless I arrive at the park. The park where my whole life changed.

"Babe, let's go! " A man's voice shouted.

"But the flyer, "

"Leave it! Its raining, "

Not long after a pair of lovestruck teens past by me. Their eyes widen at my sight but they went along their merry way when lightning flash a second later.

"I'll give it two months, " I chuckle darkly as I watch their backs.

Shivering lightly my feet stomp towards an empty bench. The very bench where I met the person who ruined me.

"Fix me? Hell she destroyed me. Damn her. Damn them all. "

I look at my hands. It was dirty with grime and mud. Deep in my nails are dark spots that I rather not look at.

Then my eyes found a colorful flyer. It was wet but still in tact as I grabbed it.

Come one come all! For the 30th anniversary of River park. It will be a day filled with fun

I ripped it. I didn't even finish reading the rubbish of an advertisement.


Thunder roared from above. Lightning flash in front of my eyes.

Then I found a puddle underneath me. The blurry version of myself appeared. Its eyes was bloodshot and hair tangled in messy knots.

"I'm ugly! " I laugh. Soon tears drip down with the raindrops.

I didn't even know why but the memory of me waiting for Lauren for hours under the rain surfaced forcedly.

I was a fool. An idiot. A hopeless romantic that believed love could fix a guy like me.

I hate myself.

"Y/N? " Her voice.

I close my eyes tightly. "L-lauren. "
Not soon enough warm arms wrapped themselves around me.

"I was so worried Y/N. " Her eyes stared at me with so much warmth.

"I'm so sorry, " I cried. Cried into the person's arms I loved.

"I'll fix you, " Then I felt nothing in my arms.

Now I know I am unhinge.

Rain continue to batter my defenseless body. From afar I could hear the clouds crying its broken tune. Slowly the street lights around me faded into darkness.

I look up at the unforgiving heavens, "I hate Lauren Jauregui! "

Sad Song (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now