Ace Attorney : Pheonix Wright × Reader

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Cooling Off


Another day in the month of Summer.

Another day of suffering from Phoenix's perspective.

Electricity has been out since yesterday. The storm that passed by recently is definitely the cause of his suffering.

Phoenix is currently in Wright & Co. Law office, sitting on his office chair. Well, more like slouching on it. Fanning his face with a random folder he picked up.

Seating alone in an office with nothing but a used folder as a fan sure is fun! (Note the sarcasm.)

It didn't help that a murder case has been assigned to him a few days prior. He can't bring his pieces of evidence home, so he had no choice but to be in his office to study the case and examine all the evidence he has so far.

While Maya and Pearl went back to their village for a week to enjoy their "summer vacation". To be honest, he can tell that the two didn't want to suffer with him.

"What an unfortunate week to be productive..." Phoenix grumbled to himself as he read the autopsy report on his other hand.

He already has his suit jacket hanging on the back of his chair. Sweat forming from his forehead, every part of his body felt very sticky.

He was about to undo his necktie when a knock interrupted him.

"Nick~! It's me, (Name)!" A female's voice said behind the door.

His face brightened when he heard (Name). He quickly but carefully stood up and walked to the door. He opens it and sees the young woman, still in her detective uniform with a smile on her face. Her bag securely tucked under her arm.

Hearing his heart jump out of pure joy was an understatement when he saw her.

"(Name)! What are you doing here?" He asks, standing aside to let her through. He noticed that she has a plastic bag on her hand.

"I heard from the news that your street got an after-the-storm electrical blackout and I know you have a murder case assigned to you. So, I concluded you'd be here~" (Name) said walking to the couch and sitting on it. She placed the plastic bag and her shoulder bag on the coffee table and grabbed the sole popsicle in the plastic bag.

"Plus, I've finished work earlier, so I brought you ice cream and iced soda to help you chill out a bit."

Phoenix sat next to her, leaning his back to the couch.

"Thanks. I never thought you were the caring type." Phoenix joked.

(Name) rolled her eyes, jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah. Just be grateful and accept my offering." She replied, peeling the packing of the ice cream.

Phoenix thanks you before getting a soda and opening it. Sighing in bliss as he felt the cold temperature of the drink on his hand.

While (Name) on another hand quickly opened her ice cream as well, smiling after taking a bite out of her favorite cold treat.

(Name) scans her childhood friend's physically worn-out state. "Soooo, wanna go out for a little while? You seem very stressed. Being cooped up here alone sounds very sad." She said, leaning back on the couch as well. Phoenix could only scratch the back of his head.

"It is but--"

"Ah ah ah~! No buts! You need to distress at least a few times. Come on!" (Name) said, standing up. She throws the now empty bottle of soda and ice cream wrapper in the trash bin in the corner of the office and drags a now protesting defense attorney by tugging his hand with hers.

With no way out of (Name)'s stubbornness, Phoenix reluctantly retrieves his wallet and locks the door behind them. The taller man lets the (height) woman drag him. 

30 minutes have passed.

Phoenix chuckles looks around the mall and lets his eyes pin on (Name).

"The mall? How original, (Name)." Phoenix playfully says.

The detective shrugs.

"This is the first cold place I thought we could hang out too. Give me some credit here~" (Name) says, sticking her tongue out at him before dragging him somewhere in the mall.


They have been talking and joking around while window shopping around the mall for a few hours. 

Deciding that it is time to go home, the pair ate a light snack in the mall before heading back to Phoenix's office to retrieve his and the (color)nette's bags.

The two walked side by side as cars go by. Orange hues filled the sky as the sun slowly glide down to the horizon. The defense attorney and the detective walked in comfortable silence.

(Name) looks at the sky with a smile on her face. While Phoenix gives the young woman a gentle gaze from the corner of her eyes.

"Hey, (Name)." He says, glancing at (eye color) haired woman next to him.

"Yes, Nick?" She asked, looking at him with curiosity in her eyes.

"I...I just want to say thank you for today." Phoenix looks at the ground.

"No, problem. Isn't it nice to go out of your office for a while?" She says, chuckling lightly. Phoenix nods, looking at where he is going.

"Yes... Well, we should do this again when we don't have any cases to handle."  He says, quietly looking to the side. A light pink hue dusted his cheeks as he felt (color) eyes gazing at him.

Silence soon follows.

They were in front of the building, by now. Phoenix took the female's silence to be some sort of rejection. 

"...You don't have to---Eh?"

He stops and turns around to only be hugged gently by the (color)nette. The black-haired man can see the (color) haired detective's red ears from above-making gush on how cute she is, making him hug back.

"I look forward to it, Nick." (Name) utters out with a smile on her face before letting go of the taller man in front of her.

Phoenix's poor heart beat faster. He coughs and guides the female to the office.

After retrieving their bags, the attorney has offered (Name) for a ride home on his bike. With the female quickly agreeing, the pair rode home in peace with one thought on their minds.

They can't wait after this case is over.


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