Osomatsu-san: Karamatsu x Reader

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[A/N: All bold letters are being spoken in English]


'Ah. There he is again...'

You thought as you watched a man sporting bowl styled black hair. He has sunglasses on, wearing a leather jacket with a shirt underneath it. That weirdly has his face on it, sparkling disco ball worthy pants and pointy brown dress shoes IN BROAD NOON OF SUMMER.

A clear definition of pain for most people but for you, you find his fashion sense rather unique and a true throwback to the past. You shook your head as you passed by while the said man tried to woo some ladies next to him.

You are intrigued and wanted to know more about him but you think you still need to wait. You walked to your workplace with a smile, oblivious to the brown eyes following your figure.


You walked on your usual route home as you hugged your jacket and bag close to you. Your boss made you work overtime today for something urgent in your workplace.

You sighed as you looked at your wristwatch, it read '11:35 pm'. You really didn't expect that you'll be home this late.

"I guess, I'll just buy groceries tomorrow." You mumbled to yourself, tucking a strand of (hair color) hair at the back of your ear. You were about to walk around the corner exiting the silent alleyway before you bumped into something or someone...

You looked up and saw a man with a bottle of beer in his hand, a glare present on his face before smirking at you. You gulped and attempted to walk around the dangerous man before he grabbed your wrist roughly grabbing your chin forcefully, making you look at his eyes.

Your (eye color) eyes wide in fear as the drunk man slammed you on the wall behind you.

"And who do you think you are, doll face~?" The man slurred out, making you stay silent in fear he might do something to you. You were silently praying for someone to save you as you closed your eyes, tightly. "Giving me the silent treatment, aren't ya? Don't worry you'll-"


A deep voice of a man yelled, making you open your eyes and look at the man on your right meanwhile the drunk man glared at the newcomer.

You recognized the man as the same dork on the bridge earlier that day. But, he is wearing a blue hoodie with a green Japanese pine printed in front of it, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was wearing blue sparkly jeans. He placed his sunglasses in his hoodie's pocket. You sighed mentally in relief as the drunk man growled in anger.

The drunk man lets go of you, you immediately ran behind your knight in shining jeans, who looked at your shaking figure over his shoulder.

"Tch! No one stops me from having fun, you rat-!" the drunk man yelled before running towards your savior with his fist clenched in a punch.

Your savior scoffed, his voice becoming serious. "That is no way how you treat a woman, you a#*!!!"

You stood at the side. Your hands covering your face, not wanting to watch a fistfight face to face. You hear grunts and groans of pain until you hear a dull thud.

You felt a pair of hands gently removed your hands from your face. Your (color) eyes meeting passionate brown eyes, thick eyebrows framing it.

"It's okay now, Karamatsu girl~ Are you alright?" Your savior asked small scratches littered his face as he smiled at you. You noticed the drunk man from earlier, knocked out cold on the floor.

You felt your eyes water, making the man in front of you panic. "W-Wah! I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"N-No! I'm alright...I'm just relieved to be alive right now.." You smiled as tears rolled from your eyes to your cheeks, making the your knight blush from your angelic face and voice, placing his hand on the back of his neck, looking away from you.

"A-Anyway, let me walk you home...um..?" The man said, placing a hand on your shoulder in which you didn't mind, before leading you away from the alleyway to the street.

You let out a chuckle, wiping your tears with your jacket's sleeve. "It's (Name), (Name) (Last name).. How about you, Mr. Knight in shining jeans?"

The man chuckled and gave you a forced smirk. "My name is Karamatsu, Karamatsu Matsuno. But, you can call me, 'Kara' my honey~"

You giggled at his cheesy words and shook your head. "Karamatsu, huh? I'll keep that in mind..."

A comforting silence enveloped you two before you broke it. "I'm very thankful, Karamatsu. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here right now.." You trailed off.

Karamatsu gave you one of his genuine smile, again. "No, problem (Name)... I'm glad I was able to help."

The two of you chatted on your way as you direct him to your apartment. You found out that you and him had a lot in common. From food to hobbies.

You stopped in front of your apartment building a few blocks away from a certain Japanese house in the middle of two tall buildings, making Kara speechless.

YOU WERE LIVING A FEW BLOCKS FROM HIS HOUSE. How can he not notice your beauty sooner?!

He facepalmed, mentally to himself after letting your shoulder go, missing your warmth. You stood in front of him next to your apartment building.

"Thank you again, Kara. For saving me and walking me home. I really appreciate it." You said, before giving him your business card.

"I would like to treat you out for dinner tomorrow as thanks!"

"B-but-" Kara wanted to ask why before you placed a finger on his chapped lips, shutting him up.

"I insist! See you tomorrow! Dress into something nice, okay? Good night, Kara!"

Karamatsu walked away immediately, walked into his house and closed it before leaning on it. He stared at your business card with your cell phone number in it for a few minutes after you entered your apartment building.

His heart beating on his chest in a rapid pace. He can't believe it.

His crush didn't call him painful AND kinda asked him on a date- He smiled to himself.

Karamatsu can't wait to go out with you.


Random Reader Inserts ♥♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora