Tokyo Ghoul : Kaneki Ken x Reader

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A year has passed since that incident Kaneki was involved in.

You also knew Kaneki became a half-ghoul from Hide's sherlock-like intuition.

You have been extremely worried since it has been so long since you last saw him.

You've even asked Hide, Ken's and your best friend if he had any updates on where Ken is.

You sighed in defeat, hanging your head low as you walked alone towards your apartment.

You eventually reached it and unlocked the door.

You walked inside and locked the door.
You placed your bag in your room.

You decided to just go and freshen up, change your casual clothes to your pjs and made dinner for yourself.


You heard your cellphone rang as you plopped on your cozy couch.

You took your cell from the coffee table in front of you and looked at its screen. Speaking of the devil, you've got a new message from Hide.

It read,

To: (Nickname)
From: Hi-chan

Hey, (N/n)~ How are you? Are you still worried about him?

You replied.

To: Hi-chan
From: (Nickname)

Yeah... Do have any updates about him?

You pressed 'Send' and leaned against the couch before your cell rang against your hand.

To: (Nickname)
From: Hi-chan

Well, I did knew where he is but...
He suddenly disappeared again. I'm sorry, (Nickname)

You frowned.

To: Hi-chan
From : (Nickname)

It's okay... Thank you for giving updates, Hi-chan. You're the best~

You lied down on your couch and waited for his reply.

To : (Nickname)
From: Hi-chan

Thanks, (Nickname)! :D

But, you should totally sleep right now. It's already past 9. It can take your thoughts away from Kaneki. I'll be sleeping now.

Good night!

You sighed for the hundredth time today. You replied a 'Good night to you too' to Hide and lock your cellphone.

You sure miss that cute dork...

You felt sleepy as your eyelids shut gently. And before you knew it, you're already asleep.

TIME SKIP: A hour later

You opened your eyes slowly. You sat up and saw your (fav. color) blanket on your lap. You noticed something.

You are in your room.

'W-what? How did- I know I slept on the couch in the other room-'

"Oh, you're awake?"

A husky deep voice spoke up. Your eyes widened and looked at the window a few meters from your bed. It came from there.

You saw a white-haired young man with darkish gray eyes in black clothing. He has this black mask hanging from his neck. He was leaning against the wall beside your window.

'He looks and sounds SO familiar...'

"K-Ken? Is that you?" You said, softly as you sat on the edge of your bed, facing him.

The white-haired young man now known as Kaneki Ken smiled a little. He missed you and your angelic features after all.

He stood up straight from his spot and kneeled in front of you.

"Yes. it's me, (Name)... I... missed you and Hide..."

You stayed silent and placed your (skin color) hands on his cheeks. Your tear building up in the corners of your (eye color) orbs.

"I've already visited Hide, earlier... He told me to visit you as soon as possible. Please...forgive me..." He said, averting his eyes on the ground as he placed his pale hands on top of yours.

"I-It's okay, you know? Even though you disappeared, you've never forgotten about us!"

Kaneki didn't say anything and stared at your (eye color) orbs with sadness, worry, and determination.

"It's been so long... I've accepted myself as a ghoul and I wouldn't want any of you two hurt." He spoke.

"I-I love you, Ken... Please don't-"

He leaned towards your face and placed his chapped lips onto your soft ones.

Your eyes widened and fluttered close as Kaneki proceeds to kiss you softly.

You can taste a hint of iron in his mouth as the kiss between you continues.

Kaneki pulled away, blushing. You just looked at him with your cheeks red as his.

"I love you, too... (Name). But-"

He stood up and patted your hair.

"But, I came here to say goodbye..."

Your eyes widened as you stared at him. Tears already falling from your eyes.


"I'll be back... I don't know when but I-I'll try... Please, just smile for me for one last time..." He said, wiping your tears away with his thumbs.

Your bangs covered your eyes for a second before smiled warmly at him.

He smiled back at you before kissing your cheeks and walks away.

"Thank you, (Nickname)...I love you."

Your bottled up tears slowly dripped down from your eyes to your cheeks one by one.

"I-I love you too, Ken..."

And with that, he disappeared in the darkness of the night, leaving his best friend and beloved in the hands of the human world that he once was in...


Random Reader Inserts ♥♥Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat