Osomatsu-san : Ichimatsu X Reader

518 16 5

Indirect Confession



You've been friends with Ichimatsu ever since you noticed him petting a cat in an alleyway when you walked home from your part-time job once. You thought it was cute of him.

Ichimatsu may be quiet and distant at first. But, after you became friends with him and his brothers. He has been friendly around you.

You are now in front of the Matsuno household, knocking on their door. You smiled at the paper bag filled with peaches, some food, drinks, and a cake enough for 8 people on your grasp.

You wanted to surprise celebrate with them because your part-time job is now full time plus your pay had been doubled.

You heard a commotion behind the door.

'Hehe, they're at it again'

You thought before hearing the door slide open and saw their mother, smiling kindly at you. You smiled back at her.

"Oh, my~ (Name). Welcome! Here to visit my NEETS again?" She asks, walked aside to let you in.

"Yes, Mom! My part-time job is now an official one so I wanted to celebrate with all of you!"

Once you spoke, the commotion the household lessen a little.

Oh, did I mentioned that their parents wanted you to call them; 'Mom' and 'Dad' because they wanted a daughter for a very long time but they already had the sextuplets. (And a possible daughter-in-law).

"In fact, I bought food for all of us!" You added, lifting the paper bag with a grin.

"That's good news! Here, let me prepare that for you, go inside and relax with my sons!" She said, grabbing the paper bag gently from your arms.

"Okay! Thank you, Mom!" you said cheerfully, removing your flats and placing them neatly.

You walked in and opened the sliding door leading to the living room, where the sextuplets would laze in all day.

"Hey, gu-" Before you can even finish speaking Jyushimatsu tackled you in a hug, chanting your name and shouting how he missed you.

You just giggled and patted his head.

"Yeah, yeah I missed you too, Jyushi."

The other five waved at you, nodded, and in Karamatsu's case, winked at you as a greeting.

"Hey, (Name)!" Osomatsu greeted while Jyushi let go of you and dragged you in.

You sat on the floor, next to Ichi, facing all of them while Jyushi sat next beside you.

Choromatsu spoke up "It's been a while since you visited us!"

You scratched the back of your head. "Yeah, my job has been making me busy."

"By the way, aside from Totty and Choro, are any of you tried finding jobs?" You asked

The 4 shook their heads a 'no'. You pouted and rested your cheek on your right palm.

"I kinda expected that." You sighed.

"Anywayysss, (Name)! We've heard that you got promoted on your part-time job! Congrats, Karamatsu girl!" Kara changed the subject, followed by his brothers who congratulated you too.

"Hehe, thank you guys~" You smiled at him, making a few of them blush a little.

"Y-yeah, no problem," Kara muttered loudly enough for you to hear while the others just smiled.

The door slid open behind you.

"Sorry for the wait, my dearies. Let's go to the dining room so we can eat~" Mrs. Matsuno said, cheerfully.

All of you nodded and stood up. The other six already walked ahead while you walked behind them.

You noticed Ichi walked much slower to a stop when you guys were walking along the halls to the dining area. You walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked him as he looked over his shoulder and faced you.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine." He said. "Hey, (Name)."


"Do you like any one of my brothers?"

You blushed.

"W-What? Why are you suddenly asking me that?"

Ichimatsu didn't say anything and leaned next to your right ear. You can feel his warm breath on your neck which causes you to freeze and blush on the spot.

"Because... I think you're so much better with me than any of them." He whispered, patted your head, and then walked away as nothing happened.

Your (eye color) orbs widened as your blush grew more on your cheeks.

'D-Did he confessed his feelings to me indirectly!?'


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