Fire Emblem : Ike x Reader

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(Requested by thepitifulyou)


(This story takes place after Ike becomes the Radiant Hero.)

"So, Marth is going to be married?" (Name) asks as she looks at the sea.

(Name) and Ike are now on a journey to Marth's (A close friend of Ike's and (Name)'s.) Kingdom, Altea. The blue-haired king invited them to his wedding.

"Yeah, it's been a while since we've seen him and now, he's getting married!" Ike says, leaning on the edge of the ship that Marth sent for them.

(Name) giggles and nudges Ike. "What? Are you jealous?" She joked.

Ike blushes and stands up straight.

"Psh! No! Why would you assume that?" He says, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

The female laughs, patting her hand on his shoulder.

"Just kidding~ You'll be able to look for someone soon~ I'll go ahead and take a shower first." (Name) says, walking to the guest room inside the ship. Ike looks at her as she walks away. He covers his face to hide his blush.

(Name) has been Ike's childhood friend. His family loves her like family. Her family seems to love him too.

She has been there as a fellow swordsman with him and his sister, Mist when they were battling against Ashnard of Daein, making Princess Elincia into Crimea's rightful queen and assisted him with Soren in the battle to avenge his father's death from the Black Knight.

And, now he doesn't know if he's going to confess his feelings to her. What if she rejects him because she only sees him as a brother?

He brushes his blue bangs away from his eyes. He has asked Marth for advice once and he just said;

"Don't worry! Just be yourself!"

" 'Just be yourself', my ass," Ike says.

An hour goes by, the Radiant Hero walks to the guest room he and (Name) shares.

"Hey~ Welcome back! So, wanna grab dinner in the dining area with me?" The (hair color) haired woman stood up and adjusted her top.

He walks in and sits in his bed. He looks at (Name) with a small frown.

(Name) notices and pouts.

"What's wrong?" (Name) asks, seating next to the Radiant Hero on his bed.

Ike just rolls his eyes and ruffles her (hair color) hair.

"Nothing~ Let's go. I bet the other mercenaries are waiting for us." He says, standing up and walks to the said room. (Name) looks at him with worry.

TIME SKIP: Night Time

"Hey, Ike? Did I do something to you?" (Name) asks, brushing her (hair color) hair with a brush that Mist, Ike's sister gave to her. Apparently, (Name) doesn't keep herself hygienic enough that Mist had to teach her ways to take care of herself.

Ike looks at her from his bed and just shrugs. "No, I just have something on my mind that's bugging me for a while now." He says, removing his gear and places it on the nightstand in between his and (Name)'s bed.

"Is that why you weren't paying attention to dinner earlier?" She asks, looking at him with curiosity. She is already on her bed, laying on her side facing Ike.

"I guess so," Ike mumbles out before sighing. He removes his brown belt and throws it gently next to his gear.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks, sitting comfortably on his bed.

(Name) blinks her (eye color) eyes and nods.

"Okay. Ask away, Leader~" She says, playfully.

Ike chuckles and leans on his palms and his knee.

"Do you have someone you like?" The blue-haired man asks.

The female blushes and looks away. Ike raises an eyebrow.

"Well~ I have one. But, I don't think he'll ever like me back. He seems too far to reach." (Name) confesses.

(Name) truly thinks of Ike as someone who'll never like her especially when she witnessed Aimee's constant flirting with him a few months back.

Ike is the Radiant Hero for crying out loud! He's way out (Name)'s league!

"Oh, I see..." Ike says, feeling his heart weight a lot heavier.

It was (Name)'s turn to ask.

"How about you though? Do you like someone?"

Ike's expression becomes nostalgic.

"Yeah, she's the most amazing girl I have ever known," Ike says, looking at (Name) with a smile.

(Name) felt jealousy. Whoever Ike likes is a very lucky woman.

She felt her bed dipped down in the middle and saw Ike sat on her bed. Right in front of her, making her blush.

"I-Ike? What are you---" (Name) was interrupted by Ike.

"And that girl," Ike says, placing his hand on her cheek, feeling her warmth.

"I love you, (Name)," Ike says with a smile.

(Name) can't believe it.

Ike looks at her with confusion as he heard her murmur.

"What?" Ike leans his ear next to her lips.

"Pinch me now, Ike. I know I'm dreaming-- Hmph?!" (Name)'s eyes widened as she felt chapped lips on hers. She can feel Ike's bangs tickle her forehead.

Her (eye color) eyes fluttering to a close. (Name) started to enjoy the kiss but was in a dire need of air.

Ike pulled his head back and leaned his forehead with hers. His aquamarine eyes gazing on her (eye color) eyes, lovingly.

The blue-haired man pinches his lover's cheek, softly.

"I don't really think this is a dream, (Name)." He says.

(Name) was speechless. She hugs Ike and giggles.

"I love you too, you dork~" She grins, still blushing.

Ike chuckles and kisses her cheek and scoots in (Name)'s bed next to her. Thankfully, the bed is big enough to occupy two people.

(Name) yawns and cuddles next to Ike with a smile.

"Good night, Ike~"

Ike wraps his arms around her.

"Good night, my angel."

And the two slept into each other's arms throughout the night.




The large ship successfully lands on the Altea that morning.

Marth : *opens the door * Good Mornin--- *sees Ike and (Name) sleeping next to each other* Huh?! Omg, my ship is sailing!

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