He smiled a little, and headed off to the parking lot.

When I got back, a young women was walking away. Burnell had a determined grin plastered across his face.

"Who was she?"

"A former SHIELD Agent."

My eyes bulged. "That can't be true, they are all dead."

That statement made me feel sad, but I had no idea why.

"Not the resistance."

I rolled my eyes. "Just tag some cars."

He stepped aside, showing me his handy work.

"Show off," I smiled, and ran to another car.

That night, Dad didn't come home. Mom said he called to tell us there was some teacher overnight bonding thing for the whole weekend. Schools are weird.

That Sunday Burnell and I went to our favorite spot in the woods behind his house. There was a huge Oak Tree, and this moss like grass that was so soft to lay on. We lay side by side on the grass under the tree, staring up at the sky and light that filtered through the tree.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" I asked.

Burnell groaned. "Don't ask me that, every single counselor at school won't stop asking me."

I shifted closer to him. "Really, though. What do you want to do."

"I want to do a lot of things," he said. "Non of them are jobs."

"Well," I tried again. "What job would you hate he least?"

"I wouldn't mind art."

"Of course. All rebels want to be artists," I laughed, smiling at him. He started laughing to. Eventually we stopped, and he turned of his side to look at me.

"What about you?"

"I want to be a violinist, but more realistically a therapist."

"I women of many talents."

"Don't you know it," I teased.

"I don't know everything," he countered, a little nervous.

"And you won't for years."

"Good," he breathed.

"Yeah," I hit his arm lightly. "Now I'm just insulted."


"Oh hush," I laughed. I pulled him close and kissed him. We were both laughing between kissed, and— something was happening. My arm was going through his arm.

His whole body was dissolving into pixels. The whole world was.

"Burnell!" I screamed. "Burnell."

What was going on? The world was literally closing in on me.

I shot up, falling out of something. My knees cracked against the cold stone floor. Where was I?

"Burnell! Burn—"

I felt someone wrap their arms around me. "Kendra, Kendra."

That sounded like... "Dad?"

"No Kendra."

What did he mean? I turned and looked up at him. It was him.

"Dad, what do you—"

Then everything shattered again. "Coulson," I choked on my words.

He nodded sadly. "You were in the Framework. It was a virtual reality."

"It... wasn't real?"

He nodded, hugging me tighter.

"But Burnell..."

I felt like I was sorting through the shattered pieces of my heart.

"... wasn't real," I finished. I bit back a sob, and looked around. "Where is everyone?" I noticed a man was still in the chair things. "Did the Android AI Robot thing put me in there?"


"Did she make it?"

"A lot is happening right now, and May is dealing with it. You should go back to school."


"There's too much to explain right now. Once this is all dealt with, how about you come stay at SHIELD over the weekend?"

"Alright," I said, too numb to make a decision. I reached into my pocket and found the rest of the floo powered. I caste a spell to make a fire, and traveled back to Hogwarts, landing in Grandmother's office.

Her head shot up when she heard me. "Kendra." She attacked me in a hug. "I was so worried about you."

"Can I go sleep for the rest of the day?" I asked.

"Kendra, are you alright?"


She purses her lips, but nodded. "Tomorrow, you will explain things."

I wandered back into my dorm, and crawled into bed. The first boy I ever really loved, and he wasn't even real. How was he not real? He made me so happy. He wasn't real. He wasn't real. Tears began to pour down my face.

Audrey wasn't really my mom, Coulson wasn't really my Dad. Burnell wasn't real. Ginger wasn't real. All that happiness wasn't real. I didn't even know how to play the violin. The happiest I had even been in years, was inside a computer.

Hey Everyone, so I wasn't going to publish this chapter until Monday, but it explains a lot that happened in the last chapter. If you guys need more explanation, just comment and I can weave more into the next few chapters.

Forever and Always,


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