November 8, 2018

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    Dear friend,
    Today, I found the song I have been looking for for three years. It is called Riptide by Vance Joy. And I love it. I am currently listening to it on repeat because that's what I do. I also did this with all of the AJR songs I have... Which is all of them.
    Everything is better. I don't know how things can vary from one day to the next. I just have to be like Charlie and remember the good days when I'm having a bad day.
    I don't really know anymore. About anything. I know that I love my father, and that I love Alexis, and that I wish I didn't make my brother hate me. I just want you to know that I am both happy and sad and trying to figure out how that can be, and that I might be taking a break from writing for a while.
    And Vance Joy had it right.
    "I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations..."
    Love always,

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