September 16, 2018

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Dear friend,
Tomorrow I go to school for four days and then come back home for three days. I love school because I get away from my brother who is annoying and my parents who always fight and my other brother who is two years old and loves to bite and pull hair. I also love school because I get to see the people that I care about most, other than my parents. I find that most of the time caring is a mistake, but in this case I'm okay with caring. I am just waiting for night to come so that I can go to sleep and wake up and go to school and come home and eat and repeat this process three more times. It is easy to plan out things over a long period of time. I am thinking about writing a letter to my future self, explaining who I was and what I thought about the world and maybe I would ask myself questions, like did I ever figure out how to get enough money to go to Florida and go to Full Sail University for college, and did I get straight A's throughout school, and maybe if I didn't I would tell myself to punch me in the face because that is basically my life goal so that I can get a scholarship and go to college for free so that I don't have to make my parents spend more money on me. I appreciate them a lot, and from what I understand, they appreciate me as well. I try to be an independent person, and my dad said that I do a lot for them. This was when I was doubting myself so much that I locked myself in my room and didn't come out until I had to. Now I'm unable to lock myself in my room because the door is broken and there isn't a lock and so I'm just sitting here writing this letter to the whole world. Thanks for sticking around if you are still here reading this. I do not have anything more to say about this subject so I will talk about something else. You should check out this profile, @Nauledr, because he writes great medieval fantasy books and I approve and like his books. He is very serious in his writing, and he doesn't just write comedy stuff making fun of other people. He writes legitimate books, like me. I think he has only ever written one comedy book. I have written several, but only because people have written books about me. And by that I mean one person. @Aroncyriacks wrote a book called Ethan the suicidal boy. Definitely read it. It is very good quality. I am editing this right now because I just had a Nerf war with my brother. And I won because I have insanely good accuracy. That's what my brother said. It all started when he picked up a gun and shot me and then I got a gun and shot him. That's pretty much how things go between me and him.
Love always,

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