September 15, 2018

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Dear friend,
Something that I forgot to mention on September 13 was that I coughed up a bunch of blood during lunch. I don't know why, but I went to throw my tray away, and then I coughed all of the blood up into the trash can. When I was walking to an assembly I coughed up a bunch of blood, but I swallowed it, because what am I supposed to do with a mouth full of blood in a crowd of moving people? Besides, it didn't leave an aftertaste or anything, so I guess I was okay with it. I have a friend, who is a guy, and he has ginger hair, and I will call him Ginger because I respect other people and I do not want to use their names in these letters. I also want to avoid you knowing who I am if that is possible. So I will use fake names for everyone. Anyway, Ginger said something. This is a guy that says a lot of things, so it isn't like everything he says matters. But he said that I was dying. And I thought about it. I was dying because I was coughing up blood. I wasn't necessarily dying. He just said that. But the fact was, I thought about it, and I was okay with it. Like I was told when I was going to die. But what matters is that I didn't think that I should do something important. Like I was just looking forward to dying in peace. Of course, I'm not dead. It was just something that happened that I forgot about as I went on with my day and my classes and I went home and started writing these letters to you. And then I sat down and thought about everything and thought about my friends and then I remembered the significance of what Ginger said in the cafeteria. And I know that I am probably annoying you right now and I am sorry, but these letters act as a vent for everything I think and feel and if you have a problem with that then stop reading it. I cannot bring myself to write more so I will have to leave this letter at that.
Love always,

Dear FriendWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt