October 13, 2018

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    Dear friend,
    It is 7:12 AM. I woke up at around 6:30. I don't know why. I just know that I had a terrible dream.
    Evidently, I was in a maze for some reason. And a minotaur was chasing me. And then I saw Alexis. It was a really confusing time for me. But I ended up stopping to stand with Alexis and then I was killed by the minotaur. I think this may have been inspired by a book that my mom told me about on one of the few visits I had. I can't remember what it was called, only that it was by Stephen King. It was the name of the painting, I think, in the book. It sounds really interesting. I think you should read it.
    I still don't know why I saw Alexis. And why she just stood there. I am really confused right now. I need to stop writing.
    It is 7:40 AM. I can't sleep. I don't know if I can keep writing anymore. There's no motivation. All of my books suck, and I know that even if one of them bleeds an ounce of successfulness then my friend's books will still be better. I don't know.
    3:00 PM. Nothing has changed. Nothing. I have been in the same thought spiral for hours. I can't seem to think straight.

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