Unsent texts

305 11 2

I still love you, I rememeber the day I told you I was leaving. You eyes filled up with tears as you screamed at me. I told you I was following my dream but you insisted my dream was here. You never understood. I always craved more.

draft saved 1:02 a.m November 2 2017

I miss you, I followed my dream. I now rule Norway, but is it enough? I miss your warmth. I used to sneak into your room when everyone was asleep so we cuddle, do you remember? I love you....

draft saved 13:00 p.m  November 24th 2017

You hate this time of year, you always refused to celebrate it, Edd used to force you to at least try to be holly. I was thinking of sending you a present, would you even want it? I miss you.

draft saved 15:00p.m  December 15th 2017

Merry Christmas, I love you.

Draft saved 22:00pm December 25th 2017

My New years resolution is to move on from you. I'm sure you've already moved on...

draft saved 00:00 January 1st 2017

Thomas....I still love you.

Sent Febuary 5 23:03 2018

Read 23:06

I'm Sorry Thomas. I miss you.

sent 23:09

read 23:12


sent 23:15

1 new message

You can no longer message that number. They have blocked you. If you have any questions please contant your phone carrior.

Tord set his phone down and finally accepted his love wasn't enough for Tom anymore.

Its been a while. Sorry I was having some issuse and I just had surgery and had some ideas and time

Stay true to your kingdom


Shad <3

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