'I'm all yours Baby'

643 19 3

Coffee Shop Au

•Tom's P.O.V•
I walked to the small coffee shop with Edd and Matt, Matt was looking at himself in a hand held mirror occasionally tripping over himself. Edd was ranting about how much he hates diet Cola. I was partly listening but I was more focused on my feet, I really just wanted to go back to sleep. Soon we arrived at the small Coffee shop which was named Starbeam Coffee. It was a cute name.

When we walked in the light blue building, The inside had dark brown wood floors, with gray walls with pictures of the moon and stars hung around. The tables were a dark wood with matching booth but with a light gray cushion, The tables has a white table cloth with a couple of flowers in the center. We took a seat by the window.

"So what do you guys want?"

"Caramel Iced Latte please" Matt asked.

"French Vanilla Latte." I said. Edd nodded  and went to order, I watched as he went up to the boy behind the white counter, from what I could see he had light brown hair that was put up into two devil horn and the rest was tied back in a pony tail with a red hair tie. I smiled, he was kinda cute. Edd walked back over and informed us that our drinks would be brought out soon.

A few minutes later, the boy behind the counter came over with our drinks, I could see clearly he was wearing a red shirt under his black apron with a moon on it with Starbeam Coffee in cursive, and gray jeans and black converse, his eyes were a silverish gray, like gray cloud. He was interesting...intriguing.

"Is there anything else you need?" He asked an accent was clear and it made him ten times more attractive.

"Your name." I said without thinking, the male giggled.

"It's Tord just like it says on my name tag." He said rolling his eyes.

"I'm Tom."


'SHIT SHIT SHIT. I made this awkward there goes my chances.'

"Well Tom and co. Is there anything else you need." He asked.

"You." I mumbled. He blushed, telling me he heard me.

"Um, Well...here give me your hand." He says nervously laughing reaching into his pocket. I give him my hand and he takes out a sharpie, and writes on my hand.

"See ya around Lover boy!" He teases walking away swinging his hips because he knows I'm watching him, wow, those hips....and that-

"You're drooling." Edd says snapping me out of my trance. I quickly wipe my drool away.

"Sorry." I apologize.

"Maybe we can double date soon." Matt says with a small smirk. I blushed.

"Hopefully." We finish up our drinks and as we leave I take one last glance at Tord, he blows me a kiss, I catch it and place it to my heart he blushes, and as Edd,Matt and I walk away I look at what he wrote.

I'm all yours Baby~ You know where to find me.

I smiled, Damn right he is.

Felt motivated to write something! Hope you enjoy it!
Stay True to your Kingdom!
~Shad <3

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