Little inventor

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Request from SunshineLollipopTord
Sorry it took so long, I hope you enjoy.
Au: SteamPunk

~Tord's P.O.V~

My shop was closed by 1 p.m. on Sunday. I normally used that time to create new inventions or just chill. I never really locked the door until I head off to bed. I let out a sigh and spun around in my chair. I couldn't get this invention quite right and it was making me annoyed. I let out a loud huff, when I heard the bell on the door chime. I

"We're closed, can't you read the sign."

"I know I wanted to talk to you personally."

"What's your business?"

"You're Tord Lance correct?"

"Yes." I asked still looking away from him, he had a nice voice that could make any girl or guy swoon.

"Well sir, your business has been quite the talk around here. You make this all yourself?"

"I do. Why don't you come back when its open, you're intruding on my personal time." I huffed once again.

"Tsk, You're being quite rude darling~!" I blushed, I haven't even seen this man yet he is flirting with me. I spun around to face him, only to notice he was facing me with his hands resting on my counter leaning toward my workshop area. His face was a few inches from mine and my blush darkened. I was met with his dark black eyes and I immediately recognize him. I had a drunk one night stand with him about a month ago. He often reminds me of why I'm gay. This man was built quite nicely and it'll be the death of me.

"T-Tom!" I squeaked, pushing away from the counter only to tip my chair backwards and falling backwards onto the floor. I could here him chuckle.

"Still a klutz my darling~" he purred. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"I hate you."

"You sure? I don't believe that."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I say as he hops over the counter and holds a hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me up into his chest on purpose. I squeaked as he wrapped his arms tightly around me holding me in place, he smelt good, I was blushing and I'm pretty sure Tom was smirking. I tried pushing away.

"Admit you love me."


"C'mon baby."

"No!" Tom hugs me tighter.

"Admit it."


"fine, I'll just do a little test~" He lifts me up and wraps my legs around his waist. I look down trying to hide my dark blush from the smirking Brit. "Look at me." I slowly look up at him and take one glance at his face before he collides our lips together. I was tense at first but I melted into the kiss, I did have a thing, I think it's more lust then love, but maybe if I got to know him better than I'd love him. He's a Villainous thing that draws you in and makes you want to stay. He broke the kiss.

"Let me take you on a date." He asked.

"Fine." I say smiling. He pecks my lips, his kisses are intoxicating and I could get used to this.

"Thanks, My little inventor."

"No need to thank me you Villainous thing." he chuckles, kissing me one last time before setting me down and walking to the door.

"See ya Next Sunday Darling~!"


Sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoy this, I am thinking of making a part two but I hope you enjoy


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