"Don't Cry"

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Request by skygirlship
Soulmate AU
Depressed Tord! X Tom
Dom: Tom
Warning: Angst and self harm scars/mention.

~Tord's P.O.V~
I never really believed I would have a soulmate but I did. I felt their headaches from what I assume are hangovers. Don't really believe that I deserve one. I feel bad for them because of all the self harm scars I have on my stomach and thighs for last month, I stopped in fear Edd would find out and send me to therapy. The more I think about it I don't deserve a soulmate, and whoever it is I'm Sorry.

Edd was Matt's soulmate and the cuddled on the couch watching TV till the late am, which is what they were doing right now. I was in the kitchen, and Tom was in room probably drinking his problem away. I felt a tingle on my skin of my arm, realizing they were writing me.

Hey, I'm glad you stopped your self harm..

I was surprised and then guilt hit me, they felt the pain...I have caused to myself. I walk to my room sadden and I grab a red pen and write on my arm to respond.

Oh. I'm sorry...I'm probably the worst soulmate.

Nah, I like you.

This is the first time we've spoken.

Maybe so; but you don't complain about my bad habits. Like to much drinking.

Well, you've never complained either.

I always wanted to ask about your self harm.why?

Because, I'm twisted. I pick fights with my roommate. Tell him I hate him, fight him; make him lock himself in his room and drink his problems away. I make my other roommate and his soulmate afraid and I am just terrible.

I notice our oldish writing has faded.

Who are your roommates?

Tom, Edd and Matt.

I heard a knock on my door, I frowned a pulled on my hoodie. I open the door looking down and I see Tom, he's sober didn't expect that.

"Tord, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Jehovah's Witness." I growl, I may feel bad but I can't let him know I'm weak. Tom frowns, I go to shut the door as I feel tears well into my eyes.

"Tord." Tom says stopping the door.

"Go away!" I sorta yell, tears falling.

"Tord baby, don't cry." Tom says going to hug me. I am confused, I hug Tom back and cry into his shoulder. Tom rubs my back trying to calm me. After about twenty minutes my crying lessens.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You hate me!"

"But I love my soulmate."


"Tord darling you're my soulmate." Tom says softly pulling up his hoodie showing me his scars that I put there. I start crying harder now.

"I'm so sorry!" I sob into his shoulder.

"Tord, My prince its okay. We can work this out. We can be soulmates, not haters." Tom says trying to sooth me. I continue to cry but not as hard as Tom pets my head.

"Don't cry. How about we cuddle?" Tom offers. I sit back and nod. Tom wipes my tears. He then heads to my bed an lays down on his side; he pats the spot next to him, I oblige and lay down next to him. He pulls me close and lazily places an arm around my waist.

I awoke to giggling.

"Look you woke him up!" Tom growled. I blinked and smiled remembering what happened, I wanted to cry because I was happy.

"Why are you sleeping together?" Edd asks smirking.

"You can sleep with your soulmate so I'm sleeping with mine." Tom snaps. This time I cry but because I'm happy.

"Tim! Todd's crying!" Matt says.

"Babe Its Tom and Tord" Edd corrects.

"Thats what I said!" Matt pouts.

"Tord darling whats wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm happy."

"I'm glad." Tom says kissing my forehead.

I have a soulmate and I'm happy.

Again sorry for out of character Tord. Hope you enjoy.


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