Classic Stupid Tord~

689 16 12

AU: Highschool

• Tom's P.O.V •
There he was...Tord, the devil himself. He was fighting some kid and honestly as much as I wanted to look away, I couldn't.

From where I was standing you could tell Tord had a busted lip and a black eye and possibly a bruised cheek. Tord had this guy by his neck on the locker, the guys face was red, Tord finally released him and pulled a knife from his combat boots.

"Mess with me again and I'll show you no mercy." He growled, with that he shoved the knife away and walked down the hall smirking.

I rolled my 'eyes' and headed to class. I didn't know Tord could fight so well.


Lunch rolled around and I met up with Edd and Matt.

"Tom! Did you see what Tord did to Jet?" Edd asked.

"Yeah...It was interesting. Speaking of Tord, where is he?"

"Late, like usual." Edd sighs, and as if on queue, the Norwegian devil waltzes up to our table and plops down next to Edd.

"Hey Todd!" Matt greeted.

"Tord." He growled, annoynace clear in his sliver iris'.

"Leave him alone." I huffed.

"Shut it Lover boy." Tord snapped. Does he know I like him?

"Lover boy?" I say trying to keep my cool.

"Duh. I've seen your sketchbook." He said smirking. That fucking devil.

My face heats up, "o-oh."

"Don't worry, I draw you too."


"Yeah. Hentai edition."

"Gross! Perv."

"That last picture of me, shows you are one too."

"S-SHUT IT" I snap flustered.

He laughs and honestly his laugh makes me melt. I'm too sober for this shit.

"Wait?" Edd says confused.

"What's happening?" Matt asked looking up from his mirror.

Tord stands on a table. "ATTENTION!" He yells, making the cafeteria fall silent. Tord pulls me up and presses his lips to mine for a few moments, he pushes me away.


"TORD LANCE! PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!" Mrs.Snow yells, grabbing his arm and dragging him away.

We meet up after school.

"What happened?"

"I got suspended for misconduct,the fight, PDA and being disruptive."

"Well then."

"Oh Tom."


"You're my boyfriend now."

"I would love too."

"That wasn't a request."

He kisses me. "Gotta go." He jogs off home to his punishment.

Classic stupid Tord~!

Short, one shot. Enjoy. Ignore grammar mistakes!


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