Chapter 57

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"No get him off me no no NO" baek screams out while sitting up in bed his heart pounding touching his tiny bump making Sehun jump up from his chair

"Baek are you ok?" Sehun moves closer to the smaller in the bed

"Sorry it was a bad dream" baek lays back down trying to catch his breath pushing back his hair off his face with his hands 

Grabbing some water from the bedside table and pouring it into a glass Sehun hands it to the smaller

Sitting up in the bed while leaning back against the head board with shaky hands baekhyun takes the glass  "Thank you Sehun I am so greatful you stayed here with me tonight"

"Of course where else would I be" Sehun smiles a little while sitting back down

"You could be with luhan~" Baekhyun holds onto the glass as his smile begins to fade

"Luhan understands and he will be here soon, they all will"

Climbing out of the bed Baekhyun rushes into his private bathroom making Sehun hurry after him as he watches baekhyun fall to his knees and starts to throw up the water

"Oh baek sweetie" Sehun moves closer and rubs his back trying to comfort him

"Oh Sehun please leave you can't watch me being sick " as baekhyun's stomach tries again to be sick while he grabs onto the toilet as his stomach forces everything that's in it out, which is nothing.

"Its ok baek" Sehun grabs a little towel from the counter and rinses it under the tap then hands it to Baekhyun

"Thank you sehun" baekhyun wipes his face and takes a few deep breaths

"Does this happen every morning baek? Sehun reaches his hand out to help Baekhyun off the floor

"Most mornings yes, I feel like if my stomach dry reaches anymore that the little one will come out my mouth" Baekhyun  begins to laugh while rubbing his tummy "settle little one please, I wanna go see your daddy today" baekhyun sits back on his bed as a knock comes to the door

Sehun turns towards the door to greet who ever has knocked on the door

"Good morning Mr Byun" the doctor from yesterday pops his head around the door before entering the room

"Nice to see you awake and sitting up Mr Byun how are you feeling this morning?"

"Just a little tired and some morning sickness" baekhyun smiles towards the doctor

"Aww that's  baby's way of saying good morning" the doctors laughs a little laugh

"Yeah I guess your right" Baekhyun smiles while rubbing his tummy, "morning to you too little one"

"So Mr Byun the reason I am here so early is because we have taken your partner for an X-ray and the good new is the tube in his chest can hopefully be removed later today"

"That's brilliant news baek" Sehun hugs baekhyun as he begins to cry

"The only thing is Mr Byun we need to wake him"

"Why does that sound so bad doctor"

"He is waking up for the first time after the incident he will panic and start breathing heavy and this will delay the removal of the tube in his chest"

"Oh" baekhyun bows his head down

The doctor sits on the edge of the bed and touches baekhyun's hand "Mr byun we have decided though that with the lung not being collapsed anymore we can wake him and let him know what's going on and if it delays the removal of the tube, well we can deal with that"

"Really doctor?" Baekhyun looks up while wiping away his tears

"Yes let's wake him up shall we" the doctors smiles giving baekhyun's hand a shake

"Can baekhyun be there when you wake him?" Sehun asks hopeing the doctors will say yes

"Of course, he will need to see your face when he wakes" the doctors smiles while standing up

"Ok Mr Byun more good news is you can go home today, so why don't you try have some food and when you are ready we will wake him, I will be back in say about hour and a half" the doctor smiles before leaving

"Baek that's brilliant news" Sehun hugs the smaller as he begins to cry then starts to sobb

"Baek are you ok?"

"What if he wakes and doesn't remember me, or hates me for all this

"Baek don't be silly of course he will remember you, and he won't hate you, he loves you" Sehun hugs baek tighter making the smaller cry a little more into his chest

"Hey let's get you and baby fed and then showered and ready to see your man" Sehun stands up grabbing a towel from baekyun's bag


Time has passed and baekhyun is ready and waiting in the room next to chanyeol's feeling so nervous his stomach keeps doing sumersaults

"Oh little one please don't make me sick please daddy needs us right now" baekhyun whispers making sure the nurse in the room won't hear him

"Excuse me for a moment" the nurse smiles and leaves the room

"Oh no she is gonna tell them I'm not well and will stop this all from happening" baekhyun begins to cry as the nurse returns

"Please don't tell me I can't be there when they wake him" Baekhyun panicks while looking at the nurse

"No Mr byun I just got you a little something" the nurse steps aside as another trainee nurse carry's in a tray with two cups and some hot water

"This should settle your stomach, we can't let morning sickness stop all this from happening now can we" the nurse smiles while pouring out the water into the cup and handing it to baekhyun

"Mmm this smells so nice what is it?"

"Its peppermint tea it helps settle the stomach" the nurse smiles while sitting with baekhyun having some tea

"Thank you for this" Baekhyun continues to sip the tea and is already beginning to feel alot better

Once the tea is finished and the nurse had spoken baekhyun through what was going to happen she leaves the room and returns quickly "Ok we are ready"

Taking a deep breath and letting it out baekhyun smiles "ready"

Walking out of the room he sees Sehun and D.O outside

"Why are you guys here?" Baekhyun hugs his friend D.O

"He is my cousin baek and we are all his friends the others are here too but they are gonna stay down stairs" Sehun reassures him

"We are not coming in with you, we are staying this side of the glass, but we will be here if you need us ok" D.O hugs his friend and releases him quickly "go get your man"

Baekhyun smiles as D.O wipes a tear from his face "go now they are waiting for you"

Baekhyun walks into the room as he sees two doctors standing beside Chanyeol's bed

"Are you ready Mr Byun?"


Short Chapter for now, I'm sorry I haven't updated this in a while I wasn't sure when to try wake Chanyeol and I was trying to figure out what way the story was gonna go

Next chapter will follow in next 24hrs

Thank you all for your continued support


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