1 - Forever After

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Have you ever been in that moment where you feel like everything is in place? Everything is perfect and no one could ruin it for you?

Well right now, I'm in that moment. I'm alive. I'm also with Shawn, my boyfriend.

I'm content.

We're in his living room, watching nothing but Netflix and eating junk food. Thank my extremely fast metabolism that I can eat loads of junk foods.

When we feel like Netflix is overrated for tonight only, the television goes off.

Shawn is super rich, big house, fancy cars but he's not like those snobby rich people. He's kind and big hearted. He treats me like a princess even though I have absolutely nothing.

My parents and I live in a tiny one story grey, brick faced house. It has two rooms and one bathroom. It might not be big but it's filled with love.

My parents approve of Shawn and since I am 21 they see me as an adult who can make her own choices. I just finished university and I have sent out my cv to different companies but I haven't gotten replies from them yet.

People see me as shy and an introvert but once they get to know me, their whole opinion will change.

"You'll never leave me right?" Shawn's voice says quietly from above me since my head is rested on his chest.

"Of course not." i sigh.

"Even if you don't have any choice?"

I hold my breath for a while, "What does that mean?" I lift my head to look up into his chocolaty brown eyes.

"It means that if your family is in some kind of trouble and you're forced to leave me or if Sam gets you and her a plane ticket to  lord knows where to meet the hottest guy on this planet? Will you leave me?" his eyes sadden at the last part.

I laugh a bit on what he said about Samantha,"I think that you are the hottest guy I know. And no I will not go with Sam to meet another guy when I've got you." I poke his nose and rest my head on his chest again.

Samantha is my very best friend since high school. We practically grew up together. She's 21 as well and studied law. We are both from England but my dad is American so my accent is American but with a London twist.

I start playing with a loose cotton string on his shirt.

"That's good to know....." he trails off and I know that there is something else he wants to say.

"But....?" my eyebrows raise voluntarily.

"But you didn't answer the first question."

I was hoping he wouldn't ask that because I hate having to chose between him and my parents. I love them both. But I love my parents more.

"Shawn you have to understand that my parents raised me. They gave me everything. They worked day and night literally, gave up all their savings, sold their jewelry, car parts, and all to send me to an arts university because it was my dream. They gave up everything they had for me. And for that I'll be eternally grateful to them. And I love them more than anything or...anyone rather. I owe them so much. Promise me you'll understand. "I look up to him with tears pricking my eyes.

"I promise," he looks at me understandingly, "But nothing like that will happen. I know it."

And that is why I love Shawn. He is understanding too. He understands me and he isn't possessive and doesn't get angry. He is everything I've dreamed of.

And I will love him till forever after......


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