"Bye Aunt!"

"Bye momma wab yu"we both wave at her.Then I turn to Peter.

"So where our first stop kid"I said wiggling my eyebrows playfully.

"Oh,oh ahmm"he really took time to think,cutie.."tick tock tick tock"Emmy"he growls....ahmm ahmm,Pete wants Zoo and gorillas rawrrrr and and penguins and pizza and ice cream"I laugh"Alright kid we better start now because we have a long list"Peter runs to his room so I followed"Pete careful you might trip down the stairs"

"Don't worry Emmy I can manage"he said shouting he's really excited.
"Emmy,hurry up!!!"Peter said stomping his feet.

"Okay okay I'm coming"damn it my phone won't stop vibrating,Aunt Ingrid is really serious about checking us up from time to time.

"Aunt Ingrid,everything's fine,Pete is so excited...Ms. Emma?"I was held back for a moment,I got confuse I looked at the caller ID and it's an unknown number who's calling me?.

"Emmy!"Peter keeps on shouting.I cleared my throat"Hello?"

"Ms. Emma sorry to disturb you"

"Who's this?"

"It's Aubrey from the front desk,I got your number from Ms. Ariel"weird,why is she calling me.

"Yeah ofcourse I remember you"I said with a laugh,gosh I sound like an idiot."Why did you call?Is there a problem?"

"It's about Ms. Mills!Ms. Emma I'm so sorry I have to bother you about this,I know this is really unfair to you but we badly need your help"her no Emma no don't tell me you'll still help that woman no..ugghhh.

"What's wrong with Ms. Mills?"I replied dryly

"She's missing..."

"WHAT?"I can't believe what I'm hearing right now"missing?is that a joke?"

"No,I don't know the exact details yet,Ms. Ariel is handling the press,Ms. Mills didn't attend this mornings event,making the media's speculation instensify,I-I don't know what to do I'm so sorry"she said helplessly.

"Wait hang on"I got an incoming call from Becs.


"Emma!where's Regina?"great it's Ms. Katherine

"I-I don't know Ms. Kath,one of the hotel staff contacted me just now"

"What?,Emma for god's sake you are suppose to assist Gina there,where the hell are you??"oh shit!she's mad..Kath relax I'm sure Emma is doing her best..Rebecca I can't calm down Gina's missing and that son of a bitch is lurking around the streets who knows what he's up to

"Ms. Kath I'm on my way there now,I'll call you back"

"Aubrey,I'm on my way there"pppooofff what now Emma,what happened to I'm done with Regina Mills speech...,what did I do in my past life,,

"Emmy!thank god"Pete's reaction cause me to chuckle lightly..

"Sorry kid,guess we have to make a detour"

"Ayyy,"he started kicking..

"Don't worry,there's pizza and ice cream there"he stopped and look at me.

"Really,it's no lie?"


"Okay then"he said crossing his arms..

Emma arrived at the hotel in less than 10 minutes.

Emmy what are we doing here?

"Have you found Ms. Mills?"Emma asked Aubrey.

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