Chapter 16: Baby Shower Planning

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-Few Weeks Later-
I wake up and see that Austin is gone but there is a note left on his pillow.

I have a meeting at the studio. I should be home soonish.
xoxo Austin

I get out of bed and unplug my phone from the charger and I call Eve.

E: Hey girl

Y: Hey, you busy today?

E: No, what's up?

Y: Want to plan the baby shower. I want to have it in the 2 Saturdays from now.

E: Totally! I'll be over soon. Do you want anything to eat?

Y: Yes! I am craving an egg and cheese bagel from wawa.

E: Okay, I will go pick that up and then I will be over. See you soon. Love you.

Y: Love you too!

I hang up the phone and go change into sweats and a hoodie. Today marks me being 25 weeks pregnant. My belly is getting bigger, our girl is about the size of a cauliflower. She still loves to kick up a storm all the time. Sometimes it wakes me up in the middle of the night.

I wander downstairs and see that Austin cleaned up the dinner from last night, and left me a bouquet of 24 roses. I walk up to them and smell them then smile. He is such a great husband even with the ups and downs.

After cleaning up a little bit more, I hear the front door open.

"I'm here!" Eve says. She walks into the kitchen and hands me my sandwich and a ginger ale.

"Thanks girl." I say. I hug her and then she rubs my belly.

"How the little girl doing?" She asks.

"She's doing amazing. She moves around a lot. Mainly when I'm trying to sleep." I say as I sit down and start to eat my sandwich.

"That's crazy. So let's start planning this shower! Do you have a registry yet?" She asks.

"Yeah I made one while I sat in Austin's hospital room. It's set up at target." I say.

"Okay good, then let's get planning!" Eve says jumping up and down.

"Okay!" I say.

-A Few Hours Later-

The party is officially planned and I am so excited for it. The only thing I have to do is mail out all the invites. Eve went home and I am at the post office making sure all of these invites get out today when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around and see Annalise.

"Are you following me now?" I ask her.

"Nope just simply trying to mail out this box." She says with a smirk on her face, while shaking the box.

"What a coincidence." I say. I hand the worker my stack of envelopes and he takes them and puts them in the sorter. I walk past her and she grabs my arm.

"Don't think this is over (Y/N). Austin will come to me eventually once he realizes that you're not good enough for him. He already did once." She says and tightens her grip on my arm.

"That's what you think." I say. I yank my arm away and storm out of the post office and get in my car. I start balling. Why are people like this? Why is she like this. All over a guy. Fucking crazy. Austin slept with a crazy bitch, what a surprise.

-At Home-

I pull into the driveway and see that Austin's car is here. I look in the mirror and make sure I make it look like I haven't been crying. I also pull down my sleeve and cover the bruise that's forming on my arm from where Annalise grabbed me. I put a fake smile on and start heading into the house.

"Honey I'm home." I say as I open the door.

"In here." He shouts from the living room. I walk in and see he's chilling with the guys and they're watching some basketball game. I make awkward eye contact with Robert.

"Hey guys." I say. They all say hello. I walk over and give Austin a quick kiss and then walk into the kitchen. It's so awkward having Robert around with what happened. My life has just been shit these last few weeks with everything. I hear someone clear their throat from behind me. I turn and see Robert.

"Hey (Y/N).." He says quietly.

"Hi." I say. I turn and start looking through the refrigerator.

"Can we talk please? You can't keep ignoring me." He says.

"I can ignore you Robert. I can do what I want I am my own person." I say as I turn around and look at him.

"Then I'm gonna talk and you're gonna fucking listen." He says angrily, I turn back to trying to find something to eat in the fridge. "I have liked you since the second we met back in Texas. But it's all about Austin, he's the fucking teen heart throb celebrity bullshit. So you didn't even give me the time of day. I fell in love with you, your laugh, your smile, your personality." He says, his voice is getting closer to me.

"It doesn't matter Robert. I'm married to the love of my life. I only see you as my best friend nothing else, I'm sorry if you don't like that answer." I say as I slam the fridge shut.

"For real (Y/N)? The 'love of your life' slept with another girl. You're just gonna let that slide? Huh. He cheated on you without a second thought." Robert says as he gets in my face.

"It was a MISTAKE! You don't think I think about that every day? Walking in on him with another girl. I can't get it out of my fucking head. Every second of the day it's always on my mind. Sometimes I just want to shut my brain off but I can't. So stop trying to push whatever fantasy you have of us on me cuz it's not gonna fucking happen." I shout at him.

"Is everything okay in here?" Austin says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Everything is fine babe. Robert was just leaving." I say. I walk over to Austin and wrap my arms around his torso. Robert puts his head down and walks into the living room.

"What was going on?" Austin asks me once Robert is out of hearing distance.

"Just Robert being Robert you know? Being a fucking asshole." I say as I walk over to the pantry and pulling out a bag of popcorn. I pour it into a big bowl and hand it to Austin.

"What did he say?" Austin asks.

"He just brought up stuff that didn't need to brought up. He's trying to get me to turn against you, because he wants me to himself. But I'm not gonna let that happen." I says as I grab Austin's hand. He leans down and kisses me. "Go enjoy the basketball game. I'm gonna go upstairs and take a nap. I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He says. He walks back into the living room and I go upstairs and crawl into bed. I'm so drained after everything today. Maybe a nap is a good thing.

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