Chapter 14: Coming Home

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We are all sitting around in the hospital room as the doctors check out Austin and ask him millions of questions. I don't think anyone understands how happy I am that he is awake, and healthy. Well as healthy as he can be after a car accident.

While we are sitting there our little baby girl starts to kick and move around. I smile and place my hand on my stomach, Michele notices and whispers to me, "Is she kicking"

"Yes she is, I think she might be a kick boxer one day with how much she kicks." I giggle at the thought.

"May I feel?" Michele asks me. I nod my head and I place my hand where my baby girl is kicking and she smiles.

The doctors all leave the room and I stand up and walk over to the bed and place my hand on Austin's hand. He gives me a faint smile.

"Babe, how long have you been here? Have you gone home? How's the baby?" Austin asks.

"I've been here since the accident, I've gone home once, and she's absolutely healthy. Kicking up a storm like always." I say, I kiss his forehead.

"Thank you for being here, I felt so shitty after what happened and I still want to do whatever I can to make up for what I did." Austin says.

"Well, I wanted to say I forgive you. This last week and half has been hell not knowing if I was ever going to hear your voice again, if our baby was gonna have her daddy around. I..." My voice cracks as I hold back tears. Austin squeezes my hand.

"I'm still here, I would never leave you. EVER. I fucked up and I regret it so so much." Austin says. I lean down and kiss him tenderly. I take in his smell, the feeling of his lips on mine. I love this man so much.

"Oh and to make up for it I see a lot of foot rubs in my future." We both giggle and I kiss him again. I'm so happy.

-A Few Days Later-

The doctors are finally letting Austin come home. After days of testing him to make sure he's alright. He can come home. Right now we're in the car heading back home.

"You ready to be home in your own bed?" I ask Austin.

"Yes I am, that hospital bed was so uncomfortable. I want my pillow, and you by my side." He says as he grabs my hand.

"I'll always be by your side no matter what." I say. I pull into our driveway and get out of the car. I run to the passenger side door and help Austin out of the car.

"Thank you." He says. We both walk into our house and right up to our room. Austin lays down on the bed. I make sure Austin is comfy and then I stand by his side.

"So I'm going to go downstairs and leave you to rest. I'll go make us some dinner. The baby is craving some pasta." I say.

"Wait." Austin says as he grabs my arm. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me passionately. "Baby. I really am sorry I don't know what had gotten into me that night. I just. I don't know. I still feel horrible." He starts crying.

"Austin, your action needed consequences and that's why I left. I'm back now. I still need time to trust you again, but I'm back. I'm here and I love you. This baby loves you." I say as I put his hand on my stomach. He pulls me close and kisses my stomach.

"I love you so much." He says.

"I love you too. Now get some rest and I will bring up food when it's ready." I say. I kiss him and then I head downstairs.

Time to make some dinner.

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