Chapter 2: Robert..

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Austin and I are now both getting ready to go to dinner next door. I walk into the closet and browse through the many clothes I have. The outfit I choose out is a grey loose fitted tank top with one of my overalls, I also put on my grey vans and then I walk into the bathroom and start on my hair. For my hair I do loose curls and then put on a black slouch beanie. Then I put on a diamond necklace that Austin gave me for my birthday a couple weeks ago and I can't forget my wedding ring. Then I put on light makeup because I haven't been wearing a lot lately.

After I get changed I walk out into the bedroom and see Austin is sitting on the bed waiting for me.

"Finally took you long enough." He says, making us both laugh.

"Sorry I wanted to look good." I say.

"You look good either way. You're beautiful." He says. He walks over and wraps his arms around my waist.

"You're just being a kiss ass." I say.

"Mhm totally." He says as he leans in and kisses me.

"Why do you have to be so cute?" I ask.

"Because I can be. Now let's go before they eat without us." He says while grabbing my hand. We walk next door and walk inside.

"Hellooooo." I shout.

"They're here!" I hear AC shout. They all bombard us at the door.

"So is it true? You are pregnant?" Mama asks.

"Yes I am." I say. She hugs me in the biggest hug ever. Everyone congratulates me but Robert is being really quiet. I wonder what's up with him.

-Robert's POV-

Damn I can't believe (Y/N) is pregnant. She could've been mine. But she's not. I was too chicken to talk to her the first day of school. Everyone always chooses Austin. Maybe I can get her to change her mind on being with Austin. I mean she may be having his kid but she can always be with me. No I can't do that to Austin. He is my best friend. But maybe I can. I'm gonna try and talk to (Y/N).

-(Y/N)'s POV-

I kiss Austin's cheek and then we all walk into the kitchen and I start helping Michele cook.

"Hey (Y/N)." Robert says.

"Yeah?" I say as I turn around and look at him.

"Can I talk to you for a minute in the other room?" He asks.

"Sure." I say. I follow him into the other room and he sits down on the couch and I sit next to him.

"So uh.." He says and then starts fiddling with his fingers.

"What's up?" I say.

"Well (Y/N) I really, really like you." He says then puts his hand on my leg. I push it off.

"Robert. You are saying this now really?! I'm married to Austin. I love Austin. Nothing will ever change that. So I suggest you stop this now before Austin finds out." I say.

"But (Y/N)..." He says. He scoots closer to me and then kisses me. I push him off.

"Don't ever do that again. EVER. Do you understand me?" I say.

I stand up and walk into the other room and see Austin is already playing games with Zach and AC. Eve is in the kitchen with Michele cooking with her.

"Hey." I say to Eve.

"What's up?" Eve asks me.

"Nothing.." I say and I look over to Robert who is now playing games with the guys.

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