Chapter 6: Hello Camila

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After a few tests we are finally finished at the OB/GYN. We walk out of the office, Michele goes to her car, and then me, Eve, and Austin walk towards my car because we are planning on hanging out at the studio for an hour or two to catch up with everyone.

We get into the car and then we head to the studio. When we pull into the parking lot to the studio I see Camila and the rest of the girls just hanging out in front of the studio. I pull into the parking spot closest to the door so I don't have to talk to Camilla. When I get out of the car all the girls except Camilla scream at me, and then run over to me.

"Hey guys!" I say.

"Well you are looking amazing mama." Lauren says.

"Why thank you." I say as I rub my stomach.

"How far along are you?" Ally asks.

"About 9 weeks." I say to them.

"You're pregnant?" Camila asks.

"Yup." I say.

"No wonder you look fat." Camila says.

"Shut the fuck up Camilla." Normani says.

"Yeah shut the fuck up. She looks beautiful." Austin says as he rubs my stomach. I kiss his cheek.

"Well lets get inside." Eve says. We walk inside the studio.


It's about 8 pm when I leave the studio.

I had a really great time. I caught up with Michael and Rocco because I haven't seen them since Michael's wedding. I've been so busy with everything. It felt really great hanging out with them. Except Camila was all over her new boyfriend Giovanni and he is not cute at all. He is also an ass like Camila, no wonder they are together.

Austin still has to stay and Eve left early because her and AC were having a date night. I walk out of the studio and it is pitch black. I feel like someone is watching me. I start walking faster to my car. Once I get to my car I feel a cloth go over my mouth and then everything goes black.


I open my eyes and all I see are cement walls. It looks like I'm in a basement or a cellar. I try to stand up but my arms are tied to this column behind me.

Where the hell am I?

A door opens in front of me and I see Jason walk through the door. Holy shit. What is he doing here.

"Hello gorgeous." He says.

"What are you doing? When did you get out of jail?" I ask.

"Well I finished my time and I wanted to see you." He says.

"You didn't have to kidnap me." I say.

"Well baby I want you to be mine forever." He says as he sits down in front of me.

"Austin is probably looking for me right now. He'll find you and kill you." I say.

"Oh I don't think he will." He says.

"Jason. Please just let me go." I beg.

"Sorry. Can't do that. Here's your dinner. Have to eat to keep the baby healthy." He says. He takes a chain and attaches it to my foot and then he unties my hands, then he walks back out the door. I try to search around for a phone or something. Wait I feel something in my pocket... Did Jason really forget to search me for my phone. What a fucking idiot. I call Austin.

God I hope he answers.

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