Chapter 22: Hanging with Eve

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-Next Morning-
I open my eyes and see the sun shining through the windows. I roll over and look at the alarm clock, 10:30am. Wow, I must have been exhausted. I see Eve is still sleeping next to me, where did Austin sleep? I grab my phone off the nightstand and I look through all the notifications, nothing really important, I see that I have a missed call from Mike. I slowly stand up from the bed and walk to the bathroom and close the door. I open my phone and call Mike back.

M: Hi (Y/N)!

Y: Hey Mike, how are you doing?

M: I'm doing well, I just wanted to call and check on you and see how you and the baby were doing.

Y: I'm doing good, baby is healthy, they just have me on a very strict bed rest. I have to go to the doctors tomorrow to make sure my blood pressure is okay, and to double check on her.

M: That's good to hear, I know you won't be able to get back into the studio for a while, so the label wanted to know if you could do a Zoom meeting to discuss some things about your future.

Y: Sure! When would you want to do the meeting?

M: Let me double check, give me one second...

Y: Alright, no rush!

M: Hmmm... they want to do it today at 3pm is that okay?

Y: Yes that's fine! I will have Austin help me set up the computer, and I will talk to you guys at 3!

M: Alright, see you soon! Bye.

Y: Bye bye.

I hang up the phone and set it on the counter. I'm worried, are they going to stop representing me and scrap all of my hard work because I can't work anymore? I let out a long sigh. I hear a light knock on the door.

"Everything okay?" I hear Eve ask from behind the door.

"Yeah, everything is okay. I'll be out in one second." I say. First I use the bathroom, and then I stand up and brush my teeth. I look up into the mirror and look at my growing belly and smile. "How are you feeling today? Good?" I ask the baby, as I rest my hand on my belly, I feel a light kick where my hand is and smile. I open the bathroom door and see Eve laying back in the same spot that she was in before on her phone.

"Feeling okay?" She asks.

"Just a little anxious, but other than that, good." I say as I sit down on the bed.

"Why are you anxious?" She asks as she locks her phone and puts it down on the bed.

"Mike just called, the label wants to have a meeting with me at 3 about my future." I tell her.

"Uh oh, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing." Eve says. I sigh.

"Neither do I, what if they decide because of this I can't work with them anymore." I say.

"I think you'll be okay, stop worrying, maybe it'll be a great meeting." She says.

"I hope so." I say with a slight smile. I lay back down and there's a light knock at the door. The door slowly opens and Austin walks in with to go backs from iHop.

"Good morning ladies, I brought you all some breakfast." He says as he closes the door and walks over to the bed and puts everything on the bed. He walks over to my side of the bed, sits down and wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you baby. I'm starving!" I say. Eve starts opening up the bags and hands me pancakes and bacon.

"I figured you guys were, you guys slept late." He says.

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