Chapter 20: Chipotle

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Austin and I have been laying in bed all day, it is about 4 in the afternoon. We have just been laying in each others arms watching different movies, catching up on everything that we have missed over the last couple of weeks. He fell asleep about 20 minutes ago and I can't stop staring at him.

I know that sounds weird, but he is just so handsome. I am so happy that he came into my life when he did, he has helped me so much. I don't know what I would be doing if he wouldn't have asked me out that first day of school.

I reach over on the nightstand and grab my phone off of the charger. I see have a bunch of text messages asking how I am doing, missed calls from Eve, my mom, and Michele. I slowly stand up from the bed, trying not to wake Austin, and I go into the bathroom. I close the door and sit down on the toilet.

I scroll through my contacts and start by calling my mom.

M: Hey honey. How are you feeling?

Y: Hi mom, I am feeling as good as I can. I wish you were here to help me through this.

M: I know honey. It is hard being here in Texas, while you are in Florida.

Y: I wanted to talk to you about something.

M: What is it?

Y: Austin goes on tour in 2 months. I believe he leaves on April 10th. Do you think you could come stay down here until he gets back. He will be gone from April 10th to May 29th.

M: I would love to, but I might not be able to be there for that long. It depends on how long my bosses will let me get off.

Y: Okay mom, I can always have Eve or Michele come help too.

M: Okay honey, I will try and see how long I can get off.

Y: You will still be in town next weekend though for my baby shower though right?

M: Yes I will. I can't wait to see you, and your home!

Y: I am excited. Well I have to go. Love you mom.

M: Love you too sweetie. I am praying for you.

Y: Thanks mom.

I hang up the phone. I really miss my mom. It is so different not being able to see her face to face everyday. Phone calls don't do it justice. I stand up off the toilet, and then go back out and lay in bed next to Austin. I finish responding to all of the texts that I have and I post on twitter.

(Y/T/N): Hey everyone, I am feeling good, spirits are high. I will keep you posted on this journey. But as of today I am on bedrest, leave some Netflix and Hulu recommendations as I will probably be watching a lot of shows! Love you guys:)

I put my phone down and look at Austin. He is so cute when he is sleeping. But I am kind of hungry, and I can't go downstairs and get food. I frown because I do not want to wake him, but I need food. I kiss his cheek.

"Babe." I say as I keep kissing his cheek. He doesn't move a muscle. "Austin. Carter. Mahone." I say in between kisses. He slowly opens his eyes. He lets out a big yawn.

"What's going on babe?" He asks as he stretches.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you but I am hungry." I tell him, he lets out a little chuckle.

"It is okay that you woke me up. What would you like to eat love?" He asks me as he stands up from the bed.

"I really want a Chipotle burrito, but you don't have to run out. I'm okay with some leftovers from the fridge.

"If you want a Chipotle burrito I can go get it." He says as he walks in the closet to put some pants on. I sigh.

"Okay." I say.

"Just order me and you something online and I will go pick it up right now. I will be back in 15 minutes." He says as he walks out of the bedroom.

I pull up the Chipotle app and order mine and Austin's dinner.

Now to just wait until he gets back. The baby starts moving and I smile. I rest my hand on my tummy and just feel her moving. I grab my headphones out of the drawer in my nightstand, and plug it into my phone. I open the music app and start playing the classical music, and put the headphones on my tummy. I know, you wonder what I am doing. I've read that it increases the chance of the baby to be calmed by this music once it is brought into the world.

After about 15 minutes, Austin walks into the room with the Chipotle bag. I smile and do a little happy dance.

"Man I am starving." I say. Austin laughs. Then he sees the headphones on my belly.

"Music time again?" He asks. He thinks this whole thing is funny.

"I am trying to help her when she comes out." I tell him.

"Well I have an idea." He says. He sets the Chipotle bag on the bed, then grabs my phone off of the bed. He smiles as he scrolls through my phone.

I hear the music change to Secret.

"Austin, she can't listen to your music." I say with a laugh.

"Hey she is going to be hearing this her whole life. Might as well start her early." He says. He dances around the room. I laugh.

"You are adorable. Come on I'm hungry. Come sit." I tell him as I move the Chipotle bag in front of me.

"Okay, okay." He says. He walks over to the bed and sits down next to me. He leans over and kisses my cheek.

I smile.

Time to eat.

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