Chapter 19 - Compromise

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-At the Hospital- (1:30 am)

Austin and I are checked into a room at the hospital, he keeps pacing back and forth which is making me anxious. The doctors have been running a couple of tests and we are just waiting for the results.

"Baby just please come sit down." I tell him as I point to a chair that's next to me. He sighs, then walks and sits next to me and grabs my hand.

"I'm sorry, I am just worried. What is taking them so long?" He asks.

"I am worried too, and they have to get all the test results back before they can come with answers. Everything is going to be okay." I assure him as I squeeze his hand. He half smiles and then kisses the back of my hand.

We hear a light knock on the door, the doctor walks in.

"Okay Mrs. Mahone, I am Doctor Manning, after looking at the results of the test it seems your blood pressure is a little high, have you experienced high blood pressure before?" She asks me.

"No I haven't." I tell her.

"Okay, well sometimes that is worrisome for people this far into a pregnancy. It looks like you have preeclampsia. If severe, which in your case it is not, you and your baby could die. I am recommending bed rest and you will need to come in for a checkup once a week." She says. I am in shock, I thought I have been taking care of myself well enough.

"Am I hurting the baby?" I ask her.

"No you are not." She tells me.

"What about the pain I was feeling?" I ask.

"It's called Braxton Hicks, it is totally normal. It is also known as false labor." She says to me.

"What do I need to do to take care of her at home?" Austin chimes in and asks.

"Just make sure she stays in bed, only getting up to shower and use the bathroom. We need her as comfortable as possible to keep her blood pressure down." She says. Austin nods and writes some notes in his phone.

"Thank you Doctor Manning, when am I able to go home?" I ask him.

"You will be able to go home as soon as they bring you your discharge papers." She says.

"Thank you so much. Do I make the appointments here for my checkups or with my OB/GYN?" I ask.

"Your OB/GYN." Dr. Manning says.

"Alright." I say. Austin is still typing into his phone.

"Thank you Doctor." Austin says.

"You're welcome." Dr. Manning says as she walks out of the room. I let out a huge sigh. Austin is still quiet.

"What's going on in your head babe?" I ask him.

"Just, ugh, I thought we were doing everything right, giving you all the right vitamins." He says as he looks up from his phone.

"We were, sometimes stuff like this can't be seen to happen. We just need to be more careful, and me on bedrest. We can't do that if you're busy at the studio! We need to get someone to come stay with us." I tell him.

"No I will take off. I don't need to be at the studio, I need to be at home taking care of you." He says sternly.

"No Austin, your career matters, you have a tour coming up. You need to focus on that. I can have Eve come stay with us." I tell him.

"This isn't up for discussion. I will postpone the tour, take a break, and take care of you." He says.

"Not up for discussion?! You are not taking off for 15 weeks! If this lasts that long. You are not doing it." I basically yell at him.

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