"If that is true, there might appear more people in time who have that lacrima just like him", Levy gasped.

"That is always a possibility. Aren't Master Sting and Rogue also implanted with dragon lacrimas?"

"If I remember correctly, yes", Levy nodded.

"So that proves there are more of them. We just don't know where, how many and what kind. I heard Ivan went through great difficulties to get that dragon lacrima for Laxus."

For Freed, it was never an easy task to speak about Ivan, even though he had never done anything directly to him. But he did harm Laxus, didn't even care if Laxus would die... And that he would never forgive to that bastard.

Freed huffed and looked at the blue haired mage and smiled.

"But if my theory is correct, I'm pretty sure dragon slayers are capable to train their offspring to become dragon slayers too. They are the 'modern dragons' of this era. I don't know if they will inherit the same power as they have, but what do we exactly know right now?" he laughed.

"Do you wanna hear what I think?" Levy smiled and Freed nodded. "I at least like to think that in the future, Gajeel can teach his magic for our little ones. They might inherit the thought, the source, the ability to use it and then they can let it shape into what their magic naturally is. Our child might not be an iron dragon slayer, maybe they are a script dragon slayer? Or something else on their own?"

"That does make sense", Freed smiled. "Ours could as well be a rune dragon slayer. I kinda like that idea", he chuckled. "But whatever happens, even if they don't inherit that power, everything will be fine as long as they are healthy and they have us and Fairy Tail."

"Of ourse that goes without even saying", Levy giggled. "They always have their family here, no matter if they even want to change the Guild someday."

"Yes. Most importantly, they should live their lives for themselves, not for someone else and try to fulfill the expectations of the family or similar", Freed said and sighed to himself. He really hoped that their child would never need to have anything to do with Zaldevils.

After that party, Fairy Tail kept fighting over every mission sheet they could get day after day. Freed was more than surprised how determined Bickslow was to have his chance in the trials and of course he was cheering for him. Ever had a good start, but she seemed to lose her interest in the midway.

"It's been a while since I last time just sat aside and watched how others do their best to get in the trials", Freed said as they were sitting outside, in the training ground near the waterfall.

"I know, it's like everyone has gone mad", Ever laughed. They looked at Laxus and Bickslow who were training once again. "Bickslow is really doing his best."

"Yes, I don't think I have ever seen him this devoted to his goal."

"I'm actually wondering why he is suddenly doing all this", Ever said and Freed looked at her confused. "He has always spoken about being an S-class wizard someday, but now he's clearly doing ten times more work to achieve it than any other year before."

"Who can ever tell what goes on in his head", Freed huffed. "I just hope he won't exhaust himself."

"You know how he can be when he decides something", Ever said.

"I know... Maybe that fight with the suo-kaapu shook him more than he is willing to admit."

"What do you mean?"

"Bickslow is strong, I would never doubt that", Freed said, watching how the seith mage with his 'babies' did their best to win Laxus. "It was probably because of that beast's roar but Bicks couldn't do much to even scratch it, though he did sunk a stick in it's nose. And it took only one hit to send him fly and almost die. I couldn't do anything so he had to fight for both of us. But if Valdeghar hadn't helped us out... Who knows, we might be both dead. Can you imagine how he must have felt when he realised that?" Freed sighed.

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