6-Just a Drink or Two

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I turn my head to see him still working at the remaining buttons. His back is turned to me but I can see his muscles flex underneath the fabric. My hand fumbles to find my drink. I see Jaxon start to turn and I whip my head back around to stare at the tv.

I did not anticipate it getting so late, as there was infomercials filling the screen on an endless loop. I sip at my soda as I watch people stupidly crack eggs into tiny shards and goey yolk.

"You know you could've found something else to watch." Jaxon plops down beside me wearing a nicely fit dark t-shirt and a pair of grey sweats.

He sets in front of me a dark gray Nirvana shirt. I say a silent a prayer as I thank myself for wearing shorts under my skirt.

"You can change in my room, it's the first door over there." He says pointing at the open door.

I stand up taking the shirt in my hands. I walk over to the room and close the door behind me. Jaxon's bed is neatly made and has a beside table with a framed photo of him and Mrs. Appleton. The room smells like warm apple pie. Cinnamon and his cologne fill my nose.

I pull my shirt over my head and unzip the back of my skirt letting it fall the ground. I pull the t-shirt over my head the hem lays on my mid thigh. My shorts being covered by the fabric.

I fold my clothes and hold them to my chest before I walk out to the living room.

"Looks good on you." Jaxon's voice startles me. He smirks, "Didn't mean to scare you, I was just grabbing some movies from Ollie's room."

Plastic cases fill the coffee table, they have movies from every genre. It's like standing in a Redbox. Horror classics to the newest Disney films.

"What kind of movies are you into ?" Jaxon asks.

"Anything but mostly comedies." I say.

Jaxon searches the table and slides a tall stack of comedies closer. "If you can't tell they're my favorite too," he jokes.

I scan the titles and spot How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Natalie and my go to movie on girl's night. I pull it from the stack and pass it Jaxon.

"I love this movie, I used to watch it with my grandma before she moved to the home." Jaxon smiles putting it in the player.

The menu loads and then Jaxon plays the movie, I pull my bare legs on the couch and tuck them under the remainder of Jaxon's shirt that hangs over my small shoulders. He scooches over leans against the arm of the couch. His legs look so much longer with his body stretched comfortably.

"You can sit closer, I don't bite." He laughs noticing my scrunched position. 

I move closer and rest my head on his shoulder. His hand moves to rest on my thigh, his touch warm heating up the rest of my body.  I can see his grin as I nuzzle in closer.

"I'm glad Nat and Ollie are getting along." Jaxon says.

"I hope she doesn't screw this up." I bluntly state. "She kinda chews boys up and then spits them out. And for some reason they chase her."

"Ollie loves that in a girl. It's the chase, that's the reason. Everyone has something they're willing to chase after." Jaxon stares ahead at the movie. "It's not people, it's passion that people are chasing. You help people that's the passion you chase. You're always helping somebody."

"What are you willing to chase after?" I question. I watch the features on his face.

His eyes soften, that smile paints his lips, his cheeks blush before he turns to meet my eyes. "A clumsy red head who takes care of everyone around her." He says.

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