5- Art Collection

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*Before I get into the chapter I just wanna do a shout out to all of the artists who have been making my graphics.Dredge116 & Jenny20 Y'all are incredible! Okie carrying on now, enjoy!*

"Nova, quit pulling at that damn skirt. You look good just embrace it dammit." Natalie scolds.

I smooth out the black skirt I have on. I feel like my butt and legs are overexposed. Natalie walks in front of me, her heels clicking in a perfect rhythm. Natalie and I were around the same size but everything about her seemed longer amd smoother. Her hair curled and pulled into a ponytail. I speed up to catch up with Nat. I play with the sleeves of my deep red top.

We stop by the front door of Charlie's.

"Girl, I'm gonna beat you up if you don't stop feeling down about how you look. You're hot, and Jaxon obviously agrees why else would he call you to come here tonight." Natalie says.

I take a deep breath and nod. "I'm hot." I mumble to myself before following behind Nat.

I fiddle with my hair, looking around for Jaxon. He stands up from the table. He's wearing a deep red button up and dark jeans. The first buttons undone exposing his collarbones. When his eyes meet mine his entire face lights up. He waves Natalie and I over. Natalie makes it over to the booth first.

She shakes Jaxon's hand and then turns to his roommate.

He's a tall, slender, broad shouldered guy with longer blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"I'm Oliver, but most people just call me Ollie." He greets with an accent.

"I'm Nova, and this is my roommate, Natalie." I introduce. Jaxon slides out of the booth.

Me and Natalie slide into the middle and the two slide into the end seats. I scan the menu for a bit. The usual bar foods, burgers, fries, mozzarella sticks. A waitress wearing a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top walks up to the side of the table.

"What kind of drinks are y'all looking at gettin'?" She asks sweetly with a southern accent.

"I want a vodka cran, and go ahead make it a double." Natalie replies first.

I give her a look of concern. Vodka cran, was Nat's starter drink of almost every evening that ended up with her in a stranger's bed pleading me for a ride home. She just gives me a sly smile before looking up to Ollie for him to order.

"Just an IPA, please" He orders.

"Just a water for me." I answer.

"She's kididng, another double vodka cran." Natalie interjects. I glare at her for a moment before just accepting it.

"One drink won't kill you, besides tomorrow is your day off and you don't have class until Monday." Natalie whispers.

I nod agreeing with her. Since school started back up, I haven't made time for myself. The most a friday usually was for me, is drinking a bottle of rosé with Natalie while we watched Grey's Anatomy.

"Same as him, thanks." Jaxon orders before going back to his menu.

He reaches his hand over the table, he laces his fingers with mine. I scan the menu trying to decide what I'm going to get.

I hear Natalie and Ollie chatting away about something.

"What is that you guys do for a living?" Ollie asks.

"I'm a writer for Harper Press." Natalie answers first, "Nova's a CNA over at Shady Oak Assisted Living."

"She helps my Grandma Judy." Jaxon adds.

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