4- Charlie's

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One week of text messages, 5 night time phone calls, 6 morning FaceTimes, and I was stupid falling for Jaxon. My work days went by smoother than they ever had and school wasn't killing me.

Mrs.Appleton and I sit in her room putting together a puzzle. She sips on a sweet tea.

"Jaxon seems to have taken a liking to you." She says with a grin. I feel the corners of my mouth turn upwards. "I can you have to him too."

"I guess you could say that. He's really sweet." I say popping a small piece into and open space.

"Your welcome." She laughs.

I arch a brow at her, "You take credit for him?" I ask with a chuckle.

"I will always take credit for him, unless he's being an asshole than we'll pawn him off on his brother." Mrs. Appleton jokes.

I hear the buzzer from the front desk go off, I pull myself from the floor to my feet. I excuse myself before I walk to the front desk.

Jaxon leans on the desk with a paper bag in hand and a tray of coffee. Although we've talked everyday since our date, this was the first time in days where we were face to face.

I felt my heart skip and flutter at the sight of him. His curls flopped to the side.

When our eyes meet, he gives me that heart stealing smile. I try to hide the huge grin itching its way up. 

"You said you didn't grab breakfast so I thought I would bring you and grandma something." He says passing me the pink drink from the carrier. 

"You didn't have to do that. Thank you." I tell him accepting the drink.

He then passes me a toasted cinnamon raisan bagel. "I didn't have to but you don't have to go hungry." He presses a kiss to my cheek and I feel a blush creep its way to the surface, spreading across my cheeks.

"Let's go back and feed Gram,too." He says wrapping an arm around me and heading toward Mrs.Appleton's room.

We sit and chat all together for a while before Jaxon checks the time.

"Alright ladies, I have to run for work." He says before pressing a kiss on Mrs.Appleton's forehead. "I'll see you later this week. "

"If you need anything I will be right outside." I tell Mrs. Appleton, Jaxon laces his fingers with mine and takes me to the hall.

"I'll text you when I get there, and call when I get off." He pushes a fallen hair behind my ear.

As he leans in I feel my hands clam up, knowing what's next. He presses his soft lips against mine and the world feels as though it's fading around us.

Our first kiss.

Until now, a kiss just felt like another thing you did but right now it felt like something just for us to seal whatever we had. My body feels like fireflies are fluttering around.

"I'll answer." I finally reply with a smirk.

Jaxon just smiles back before he walks to the front door. He pauses at the door to give me another toothy grin. I walk back into Mrs.Appleton's room.

"I'm glad he likes you." She mumbles sipping at the coffee Jaxon brought her.

"Me too." I reply taking my place back on the ground.

When I get home Natalie is spread out on the floor in a starfish position, her laptop laying on her stomach.

"May I ask?" I arch a brow.

"Gerard expects me to do an entire article about some bullshit, I have no clue about." She groans from the ground.

"Some bullshit like what?" I ask sitting criss cross beside her.

"He wants an article along the lines of coping. Whether it's a break up or the loss of family or friends." She says, she sits up."You have been my closest friend since forever, so I haven't lost you yet. No boy means enough to me, and my family is one of the healthiest group of individuals."

"Maybe you can do a pet or something." I try to suggest, "How long do you have?"

"This is one of the longest assignments so like a few months. He wants me to dig really deep." She says. "Enough about me, how was work?"

"Good, no broken bones so that's always a plus. Jaxon came to see me before he went to work." I say with a small smile.

"Ooh," she hoots, "how cute! You think you like him?" Nat questions.

"Possibly, I need to feel it out more. But he came to see his grandma too." I tell her tucking a hair behind my ear.

"Okay. If you say so. But I think you like him and you're not ready to admit it to yourself." She taunts.

I hear my phone ring in the bottom of my purse. I dig in to grab it and see Jaxon's name lighting up the screen.

"That's him isn't it?" Nat teases.

"It might be now shut up and let me know when you figure out dinner." I say walking towards my room and picking up the call.

"Hey princess, what are you up to?" I hear Jaxon's voice in from the other side. I also hear chattering and music from behind his voice.

"I just got home from work, Nat and I trying to figure out what to do for dinner." I reply.

"You should come down to Charlie's, they make really good food!" Jaxon exclaims.

"Isn't Charlie's a bar?" I ask.

"It's a restraunt too. Please I really want to see you." He stretches his words out.

"I guess, let me get changed and tell Natalie. We'll be there in like 30 minutes." I tell Jaxon.

"Okay, I'll get a table for four. My roommate is meeting me here." Jaxon says. "I can't wait to see you." I can hear his smile through the phone.

"Bye." I say before ending the call.

I toss my phone on the bed and sit on top my duvet, I kick off my shoes. Natalie walks in my door and leans against the wall.

"So Charlie's for dinner?" She smirks, "Good thing tomorrow is Saturday. I'm in need for a little trouble if you know what I mean."

I roll my eyes. I plop on my back, I stare at the ceiling.

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