3- Be Careful

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Natalie managed to rush through her deadline and get home before I left for my date with Jaxon.

"Just sit still and let me put these lashes on." Nat slaps at my arm.

"I can do it myself. I have worn lashes before." I quipped.

"Yeah but they fall off and the last time you did them yourself was our senior cheer competition, and you lost one during a cartwheel." she retorts.

"Okay, good point." I mumble.

I close my eyelid and sit as still as I can as Nat comes towards me tweezers.

"Okay. All done!" Nat claps her hands together. She turns me towards the mirror.

My long red hair is curled but smooth and glossy. My eyes resemble Bambi, big and sparkling. I have to admit I look and feel beautiful. Which had became a foreign feeling in the last few years.

"Damn I am good." Nat compliments herself, "Now what are you actually going to wear? I saw you stash that romper in your dresser."

I look down at the light wash jeans and black t-shirt I just put on, "This." I motion at what I'm wearing.

"Honey, hell no. This works for casual friday at the home but not a date with someone you described as disgustingly hot." Nat says walking to her room.

I cross my arms, and follow behind her. Her head is deep in her dressers, tossing her clothes to the ground.

"Aha! Found it!" She shouts victoriously.

"Found what?" I question.

"This," she holds up a simple red t-shirt dress.

"Red?" I question.

"Yes red. I think it's pretty with your hair and complexion, just put it on and quit bitching." Nat throws the dress at me.

She digs in her dresser again before throwing a pair of black spandex shorts.

"And this too, just so your ass doesn't hang out." Nat leaves me in her room alone.

I lay the dress on her bed delicately. I take the t-shirt off and drop my jeans before pulling the shorts up my legs and lifting the dress above my head.

I don't remember Natalie ever wearing this, or even buying it. I guess she was right about the color. My freckles scatter my face nicely, my hair sits neatly on my shoulders amd against my back.

"Oh damn! Nova, I think he's walking up the street." I hear Natalie shout from the living room. "Does he have gorgeous hair and a nice ass?" She adds.

"I guess," I reply panicked. "Dammit." I curse to myself. I rush to pick my dirty clothes from Nat's floor before rushing to my room. I pull on a pair of socks and grab my black high tops, tying them on as I walk to the living room.

As I get closer I remember my phone is plugged in, I rush back to my room. I assuring all I need is in my purse. I hear a knock at the front door. I run to grab it and step on my own shoelace causing me to plummet to the floor in the hall.

"Hi I'm Natalie, Nova's roommate." I hear from the living room."I'm sure she'll be right out."

I retie my shoe and do a quick run to the mirror, when I'm sure all my hairs are in place I make my way to the living room.

Jaxon sits on the edge of the couch. His hair neatly placed on his head, his patterned button up hugs his biceps nicely. His dark jeans cut right, and his shoes look brand new. A gold watch snug on his left wrist.

When he sees me, his eyes almost light up and his grin peaks out from behind his lips.

"Wow." Natalie says breaking the silence. We turned to see her watching us while eating a bag of cheetos intently.

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