Chap. 7

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Skylar POV.

Jason dragged me back into the house and a slow song was playing. really? who plays a slow song at a dang party?.

" wait, i cant dance"

"just follow my lead!" Jason replied.

I put my hands on his shoulder and he put his hands around my waist and we started swaying back and forth to the music.

"lay your head on my shoulder" jason said.

"why?" i asked.

" Just do it, i'll explain later". I did as told and we continued to go back and forth in that motion. I saw Jaxon dancing with Tanner. She still had that smirk on her face and then i saw Jaxon and he smiled at me. It literally had my heart pumping fast.

" is it working?" jason asked.

" is what working?" i asked.

"is he getting jealous?"

"he? jax?"


"why would he be jealous?"

"didn't i tell you he likes you, if we continue to act like a couple we can get him to admit his feelings. It always work!"

"who said i had feelings for him". he stopped dancing and looked at me. Then he leaned down to my ear and whispered " i know you always liked him, so you don't have to lie i'm good at reading people and plus you make all goog-ly eyes at him and also i felt how fast your heart was beating so i'm guessing you saw him."

" my heart could've been beating fast because i had a mini heart attack not because i saw him"

" oh really? how come you didn't deny the rest that i said"

i felt my face heating up but i hold it in " whatever"

he chuckled." Lets go home"

" i didn't drive here"

" i did, lets go!"

" what about jaxon"

" knowing him he'll probably follow us to make sure you reach home safe" we started walking to the door.

" wait, were'nt you drinking"

" I had to beers and plus i drunk some water before i came outside to get you, i'm normal"

" i'm sitting in the backseat just incase"

he just laughed and we continued walking to his car. It was a red Chrysler 300. I got in the backseat and he got in the driver's seat and he drove off.

" do you know where i live"

he gave me glance threw the rear view mirror " no duh, i've been to you house before"

i looked out the window" i was just checking, you could've forgot or something, you know how slow your mind work sometimes" i said with a smirk on my face.

" hahaha you got jokes"

"maybe" i said laughing

"your lucky I'm driving"

" or maybe your just scared" i teased

"never that"


" we got a follower"

" what?" i started looking behind

" Mr. Jaxon" he said giving a knowing smile

Jaxon POV

what the hell is this dude doing? first he dances with her and then he takes her home. she's mines. Wait a minute. she's not my girl, why am i thinking like this and plus Tanner is in the car with me. She said she will get her car tomorrow. 

I stopped following them and decided to call Jason instead and just go home. i dialed his number.

" yesssssssssss" he answered lilke he was expecting me.

" make sure you take her home safe"

" no problemo mi amigo"( no problem my friend)

" im serious jason"

"I'm being serious jax there's no need to worry I'll do more than take her home safe" i could almost hear him wiggling his eyebrows.

i gave him a growl" im not playing"

" i know daddy Jaxon, i'll tuck her in at night if that makes you feel better" he started laughing

" jas-" " sorry got to go" and then he ended the call.

remind me why he is my friend again.

Tanner POV

"Are we going home yet?" I asked

he jumped a little like he forgot i was there. that made me a little mad

" huh, oh yeah we are now"

" is there something i need to know"

he gave me glance

" about what?"

" don't act stupid Jax, i'm talking about between you and Skylar"

he gave me a are-you-stupid-look. " no, she's my best friend i'm protective over her"

" whatever, if she's your best friend why was you about to frigging kiss her, if i didn't come outside i bet you would've, and also every time you with her you act like i don't exist"

he sighed and pulled over. " I wasn't about to kiss her i just looked at her cause we was talking about something serious, and i don't act like you don't exist, you're tipsy you don't know what I'm saying"

" I'm not tipsy im normal, and whatever you say Jaxon, then what was you guys talking about!"  i said crossing my arms

he sighed again" i cant tell you"

"why not Jaxon"

" because i cant, now drop it, there's nothing between me and Skye besides us being best friends"

I gave him a long look " okay" i leaned in and gave him a kiss " are we going back to my place" i asked.

"you want me too" he said and he started the car 

" yes when would i want you not too" i said giving him a smile

" haha okay you're place it is"

jaxon POV



this is his cousin Monica.. i wrote this chapter because Jace has been busy packing for college and stuff.. so he  wanted me to tell you he's sorry and everything. I Hope you liked the chapter :)


let me know what you think.

Heyy peeps its Jace... checkout the new book cover or whatever you call it.. it was made by @jimjojo  soo if you have a story you wrote and you need a cover or a better one check her out :)

i wish i could dedicate more than one people soo this chapter is dedicated to my cousin @MonicaJ_SexyAllDayyand i would also dedicate this to @jimjojo

My Geeky Bestfriend Or Schools Hot Chick [On Hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora