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A/n - Just to let you guys know ahead of time, their will be a change of POV in the story. I hope you guys check out the trailer it was make by @BlissfullyBlue so thank you to her. and thank you guys for voting and reading the story. And also my cousin is helping me with some girl parts of the story and she is uploading the picture of Skylar

back to the story


Skylar and I got out the car and she went her separate way while i walked with Tanner inside the school. I went to her locker first while she grab her things and vice versa. We both have the same classes so we headed to first period which is AP calculus and we took our seats next to each other while other student file in.

" okay class-" our teacher started to say but i tuned out. And that's how the rest of the day went and now school is over.

We met up with Skylar in the parking lot and she got in car with Tanner and they headed of to her house.

I got in my car and headed to my house.I went inside and grabbed something to eat. I have 5 hours left for the party since it starts 8. i decided to call my other best friend Jason.

" Hey, wassup?" he answered

"nothing much, hey you busy" i asked

" no i just reached home, why?"

" I have some hours to kill before the party, wanna chill?"

"sure meet me at the bowling alley in 10"

"alright man, see ya" i hung up, and went to my car and headed to the alley. It really did take 10 minutes to get there but for him its down the street. i parked and went inside and saw him purchasing shoes. I went over and gave him a man handshake.

"so Skye is coming to the party, huh?" he asked

" yeah i forced her to come" i replied

" i figured you had to because she wouldn't come if you asked"

" haha you right"

"so is she dressing up or something"

" yeah i had to go to through torture with tanner shopping for her, she claims she's turning her into a butterfly"

" haha and she decides to do it toward the end of the year?"

" i cant control what she thinks" i laughed

" speaking of her, how you and her doing, how long ya'll been together again?"

" we good and i think almost two months"

" and you still have'nt said the L word"

" no" i replied

" why not, i bet she's waiting for you to say it"

" why do i have to say it first? and i will probably when my birthday comes i guess"

"  i think girls always expect us to say it first so they wont be embarrassed. do you love her dude?"

"are you watching those soap operas again?"

" shut up man you said i wouldn't bring that up again" . he glared at me. and i couldn't help but laugh. Last year i had went by his house with out letting him know i was coming and went in through his window ( because i didn't have a key) and saw him tearing up at this soap opera he was watching and when he noticed i was there he made me swear not to tell anyone.

i laughed" lets just bowl man"

______________ 4 hours later_____________

We left the bowling alley and i headed to my house to get dress.

I got out the shower and wrapped my towel around my waist. I pulled on a white fitted t-shirt with dark washed pants black shoes and my black leather jacket. I left my hair wet and just messed with it. an hour went by and i texted Tanner to see if she's done and she replied back almost and that i should head on to the party and she will meet us there. I did as said and went to the party.

I pulled up and automatically knew what house it was with all the music playing loudly and you could practically feel the floors vibrating. i walked inside and saw Jason walking by i grabbed his shoulder and he turned around.

"you made it " he said

"yeah" i replied

"where's Skylar?"

" she's coming with Tanner soon" i replied

he started staring somewhere behind and i started snapping my fingers in front of him but he just turned me around to show me what he was looking at. everybody was looking at what he was staring at. And i couldn't help but stare and all i could say was wow. She looked hot but she wasn't wearing nothing flashy.

Skylar POV

After Tanner finished getting dressed and everything we headed to the party. I was a little nervous to go inside because alot of questions we're going through my head. " What if Jax didn't like how i look?, What if people thought i looked ugly?, what would i do if someone asks me to dance i don't know how to!". I guess Tanner noticed my nervousness because she grabbed my hand and lead me inside. When we walked in and everyone started staring, i swear i thought i saw some drool and girls was looking at me with jealousy in their eyes and some was glaring at me i looked down and started playing with the hem of my dress. I looked around for Jax and saw him talking to Jason and his back was facing me. That's when Jason started staring and it looked like Jax was trying to get his attention and Jason turned Jax around and he started staring at me. And i saw him mouth the words wow. I looked back at him and i was looking at what he wore. He was wearing a tight white shirt that showed his muscles good, jeans and shoes with a black Jacket that gave him a bad don't-mess-with-me look and his hair was tussled and wet that made him look very hot. What am i thinking i cant be thinking this way he has a girlfriend.

Jaxon POV

I couldnt help but stare she looked beautiful, even more beautiful. She was wearing a strapless black dress that stopped mid thigh with black cow boy boots. her hair was down in curls and not in her typical bun. Tanner pulled Skylar toward me and everyone else went back to what they was doing before.

" So how do we look?" tanner asked

i looked at tanner " gorgeous as always" i replied. and then i looked at Skye and i felt like a complete idiot because i couldn't form words and the words i could find came out as a stutter. " w-w-wow y-you ...b-b-beautiful... w-ow"

skye laughed and said " cat got your tongue". I cleared my throat and replied " no, its just you look very, wow and you look even more beautiful than before"

" are you trying to say i looked beautiful before" she asked with a smirk. probably enjoying my fumbling of words

" y-yeah, n-no shut up" i replied while trying to hide the blush about to come on my face. men don't blush.

she laughed " you dont look to bad yourself"

" i know right, probably the best looking one here"

" woah dont let it get to your head, save the cockiness for your pants"

i couldn't help but laugh. And that's when tanner interrupted. i totally forgot she was here. " Anyone want a drink"

Jason replied" hell yes"

skye said no but Tanner said she was going to get her one anyways and i'm getting a coke since I'm DD.


I'm tired, i hope this wasn't too boring. so brought in his other best friend Jason. and i hope you like the story... check out the trailer. VOTE and COMMENT. please

tell me who team your on.. and give me feedback people.... 

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