Chapter 9

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Taylor POV

I still havent heard from him, but its okay. I bet he wont like it when i wont talk to him. Petty? yes. I layed down on my head looking at the ceiling and thats when thoughts came running through my mind why do i care if he didnt call me? why am i so worked up about this? ughh im so sprung. I sat up and decided to get some food. I went downstairs only to find out there wasnt anything good. I went upstairs to get dressed and decided to get some McDonalds. It wasn't that far.

I head to the cashier and ordered a mocha frappe, and a big mac. Hey i like to eat. As i'm about to pay i see a $20 bill given to the cashier lady. I look up only to see hazel eyes smiling down on me. I smile back. " I couldve payed that myself you know"

"yeah you couldve but i rather spend my money on a very pretty lady" hazel eye guy said

I tried to hold my blush back " oh really? so im guessing you spend alot of money huh?"

" Only to the ones i think are worth it, and you are definately"

I smiled and got my food to go sitdown and he followed me.

"so whats your name" "taylor, whats yours?" "Mason" i nodded my head and we continued on with a normal conversation when you first meet somebody. In the end I gave him my number and we went our seperate ways.

When i reached home i sat and watched some tv, and as the commercial came on i started thinking about this new guy mason. He was hot and i can't believe he actually talked to someone like me. worst of all i cant believe i flirted back. But let me stop over thinking this, its probally just a one time thing  or he wants to get in my pants.


STUPID, STUPID, STUPID me and my hormones and stupid dick for being so damn irrestible. I sat in my car banging on the steering wheel.

let me call taylor.

I started looking for my phone and thats when i noticed i left it in tanner's house. shit if i go back in there im going to get eaten alive. Damn


And cut!...

lol im sorry guys i know you have been waiting and i thank you guys for being so patient. and im sorry this really sucks, i have no motivation for this story anymore! :(

but vote, comment, fan whatever it is you do. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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