Without a second thought, Chae-Rin shot a fatal bullet at the guard, leaving Hoseok empty-handed. She knew that he couldn't do jack shit on his own, he threatened a gun but he couldn't shoot it accurately. He didn't have the experience yet, no matter what he said. She knew what went on in the his gang, and he was still a newbie. Same for his boyfriend.

"Give me Yoongi." She demanded.

"Or what? What are you gonna do?" Hoseok taunted, shoving Yoongi onto the floor. "Gonna call Jeon?"

"Give me Yoongi or I'll fucking embed this bullet into your skull." She hissed, stood confidently.

She didn't really want to shoot him, because it was Jeon's business. It was his fiancé's 'friend', and she didn't want to interfere.

Yoongi's eyes continued to roll back, slipping in and out of consciousness as the car fumes began to intoxicate him. His little face had taken a beating, a bleeding cut near his scalp, a cut cheek from being thrown on the floor and a bust lip.

"S-spare Yoongi." Taehyung begged weakly, "y-you came for me. T-take me, l-leave him."

He went to walk away, when Chae-Rin wrapped her arm around his throat, gun pressed against his temple.

"Trust me. I'm on Jeon's side." She whispered truthfully, since she was Jeong-ja's best friend. She worked closely with Jeongguk for a short while.

"Give me Yoongi, or I'll blow his pretty brains out." She snarled, "wouldn't want that now, would we?"

Hoseok's eyes widened at this, Taehyung was needed for his twisted choice game.

Jeongguk only had two vulnerable weaknesses, and if Taehyung went, then Hoseok had no chance of leading his gang.


"What do you mean?" Jeongguk questioned, beginning to fret.

"Hoseok isn't who you think." Taemin laughed, "he's not really a dancer at that university they all attend. He's not really Taehyung's friend. He's not safe."

Silence fell over the other three dumbstruck males.

"He's currently got your 'petal' at gunpoint. Along with Min Yoongi, Park Jimin and Kim Namjoon." Taemin informed, Jeongguk stiffening.

"He's fucking what?!" Jeongguk shouted, Jay holding him back.

"Yeah, would've had Kim Seokjin too but he got lucky, he's visiting family."

"They're nothing to do with this."

"Hmm, true."

"Neither is Jeong-ja." Jeongguk hissed.


"You're going to bring us to Lee Taemin. You're going to explain what the fuck you're up to. And then, you're under Jeon's control." Chae-Rin snarled, barrel now pressed against Hoseok's nape, "got it?"

Namjoon held Yoongi up as he walked, Jimin holding Yoongi's waist as they followed the powerful woman.

Taehyung limped beside Chae-Rin, her arm supporting his body. She'd slung her jacket around his body, since he was only in a thin t-shirt and sweatpants (she recognised them as Jeongguk's).

"I asked you a fucking question!" She roared, hitting Hoseok's head with the gun.

"Got. It." Hoseok snapped.

"Very good. Now, no funny business. I know exactly where everyone else is, I want to watch you humiliate yourself. Now walk."


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