Second Chance

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There was a pregnant silence, ever since finding out about this mess it seems like their brains had been functioning slower than ever because everything that spills out Daehwi's mouth always lagged in their mind and needed more time to process.

Jinyoung pace forward, he had to hold in his tears as he does, he always thought insults and hate comments would stung him the most. But hearing his own bandmate that he had mistreated, begging and pleading for them to stop their 'act' and just go back to hurting him, how he couldn't let himself to believe they wanted to change for him. He never thought these kinds of words would pierce his whole being a trillion times harder than any hate or insults.

Daehwi didn't bothered putting up an act anymore, he simply close his eyes, head hung low as he waits for whatever that's coming. They already knew just how messed up he is, he lost all reason to cover up.

"Daehwi...please.....c-can you look at me?"

Daehwi flinched, that is a very hard thing to do. But the least he could do was do as he's told, right? Daehwi takes a whole minute just so he could muster enough gut to look at Jinyoung, when he does he could see the other male is doing his very best to not just burst into tears.

"I'm sorry-"

"No, you're not. You don't have to be" Stop it, why can't they just stop it?!

"Daehwi, WE WERE WRONG!" The sudden outburst caused him to back away, eyes back to the floor. Jinyoung realizes his mistake, stutters. Jaehwan, done with Jinyoung's incapability yanks the younger back. Daniel still stood unmoving as the rest chose to remain as they are.

"Daehwi hear us out, please. Just give us another chance Daehwi, we can prove to you that we're going to make things right. We're not lying or acting, we truly regretted what we did. Please, give us a second chance"

Daehwi gives Jaehwan a chuckle, but it didn't sound happy nor real. "I gave myself three including now, four fucking chances. Look how that turned out"

"And what do you mean that you regretted? Make things, right? You never done anything wrong, I shouldn't have won, I shouldn't have even entered. I make songs that sounded the same, my vocals are a joke, my dancing is ridiculous, I'm ugly as fuck, I screw things up every darn time and I've only been a burden that brought bad luck to this group. I'm a pathetic being right? Couldn't even do this world a favour and kill himself even if he tried." He didn't even cry this time.

"And you know what's the best part? I don't want it to stop. God forbid me to have a peaceful life, but I don't even know if that's what I want. I don't know if I want to smile happily ever again, I don't know why I'm so darn scared of getting better. It hurts, it hurts like hell itself but thinking about waking one day and not feeling this way? It feels wrong. So don't even be fucking sorry when you did nothing wrong, I deserve that shit. Hell! I wanted that shit. Sorry that you guys ended up with this fucked up kid, I get why you all hate me, trust me when I say I hate me too"

When he's done ranting, the atmosphere drops colder. Daehwi looks away from them, "I'm sorry" a hand gently takes his's. He was brought to stand in front of the mirror, they each lining up to form a single file line in front of the mirror.

"You know what we see here?" Daniel says pointing at Daehwi figure in the middle.

"A mistake"

"I see someone so beautiful, I get jealous so I hate him"

"he was so talented, my envy blinded me"

"I was surprised at his kindness, I lied to myself that he's not"

"When he dances, I couldn't look elsewhere, I blamed him for being too good"

"He was so humble, but I pretended he wasn't"

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