Save Me

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Daehwi pull his gaze away from the mirror as soon as the music came to a halt, "Alright boys, take five!" the dance instructor voice echoes around the room through the mic, he drags his disgusting sweaty self to a corner and chug down a bottle of water. It was cold and hot at the same time and it's making his head fuzzy.

He looks over to the other side of the room, the members are chatting amongst themselves and joking around. He sighs, trying to ignore the stabbing pain inside as the loneliness clinging onto him drives him nuts Idiot, that's what you are, so dumb and useless, so much better off dead. He tries to meet their eyes, searching for someone who would come to him, even if it means to throw insults and criticise him. No one cares attention whore, are you even worth of their time? Do you deserve to even be with them? No, cuz you're just a waste of space!!

He laughs at himself, how pathetic can he really be. Daniel wasn't with them, he left earlier prior to his crammed schedule. Woojin, how he always wished Woojin would just notice him but the boy pretends that Daehwi is invisible. Why are you still here you worthless piece of shit? They don't want you here!! You're dragging them down with you with every step you take you stupid pile of burden!!

He clutches his abdomen, feeling his artwork from the previous night, he presses hard and was sure they would had reopened because the pain that follows wash away all the stinging in his chest and head. He stares into the mirror in front of him, looking straight at himself in the eye 'Just one more day to go......and it'll all be over'


Boomerang was just released a few hours ago, the gang are out celebrating except Daehwi. They didn't bother asking, it's the same cycle every comeback.

He's been monitoring the comment section for a while, searching for any that's about him. But there isn't any, no matter how down he scrolled not a single comment was about him. It was mostly Daniel and Jihoon being hot, Ong and Jinyoung serving visuals or Minhyun and Jaehwan's voice or Guanling not having lines. There're a few of Jisung, Woojin and Sungwoon but none of him.

Daehwi shuts the laptop screen and curls up, does wannables pretends he didn't exist too? Does no one really want him to be where he is now? Had it been a huge mistake that he finished as third? Does he even matter to the group? Took you long enough to realize, wow you are really that dumb are you? Those who voted for you back then probably regretted to ever support you, Wake up Daehwi!! Just face it, NO ONE WANTS YOU ALIVE!!

But he couldn't blame them, it was true after all, he wasn't and will never be good enough. Tomorrow, he'll end this once and for all. Daehwi pushed the knife deeper that night, Minhyun is going to yell about his cleaning cloths disappearing. A broken giggle emits from the boy, shaking in the bathroom, in a bloody mess. Everything ends tomorrow, and this time, he'll make sure of it.


"Hyung, I'm leaving" and don't worry, you'll be so happy after this because I'm not coming back he wanted to say but didn't. with his hoodie, he slips out knowing well the older didn't heard him. He packed up all his things in a few trunks and bags and left them by his bed, the least he could do was to make it easier for them to dispose him from their lives.

He swallow a few pills as he goes, letting himself lose his sense of reality. He just continue to pace down the streets like a drunk person. Lucky or maybe not for him, no one recognize the Wanna One member limping down the street. He hadn't realized his feet brought him to a flight of stairs, the door at the very top opens to a view of the blue sky. pretty..... it was such a lovely sight that he just heads towards it, wanting to be closer to it.

Just as he was about to walk off the edge of the building, "DAEHWI!!!" the scream followed by a pair of arms pulling him down. They fall back together, at this point Daehwi's conscious had slipped away and his body went limp in Felix's embrace. "Daehwi!!! Daehwi!! Oh god, w-wake up!!" his mouth stutter in English, his Korean forgotten to the back of his mind.

He sees the faint patches of crimson, and it took all he got to push down the bile that crawled up his throat. "P-please....ho-hold on!!" He hoist the boy up, covering him as much as he could.

He was just hanging around there, it brought him memories from predebut times when Chan would sneak out with him to enjoy the cold night air with BamBam. Never he imagined to see someone try to kill himself right in front of his eyes, it made his blood run cold. Right now, he should focus on getting Daehwi outta here and to his dorm. 'Hold on Daehwi...'

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