"Yeah, just like Iz said", Maze piped up from behind them, her dotted leather jacket shuffling as she threw an arm over Izzy's shoulder and tugged her closer, "it'll be awesome." Nodding in agreement, Isadora pressed an approving, soft kiss on the brunette's cheek before turning back to Chloe with a convincing smile etched on her face, one that made it hard for her to argue.

In all honesty, they needed and deserved the upcoming trip, not merely for the privacy and alone-time, though it was a perk as well, but because the lives they led could be too much sometimes. It wasn't only bad, but despite the calmer tides after the events at Santa Monica Pier and the whole ordeal with Charlotte Richards in general, things had remained hectic, nonetheless. Linda was still recovering from her near-death experience, as was Isadora, both with their own struggles and victories. Returning to the Holt residence had been a big step, not only for the youngest of the family, but for Diane too — Thor might have been the only one to sleep soundly the first night back in the house, clueless to the very real dangers that felt more present than ever before.

There was still a lot that Izzy hadn't quite handled, and the traumatic experiences that only piled one atop the other had nudged her OCD in a worse direction, but with Maze, her mother, and her loyal friends' help, she was holding it together. As was everyone else — none of them were perfectly pieced together, but they were coping. And while Isadora knew that there was no way to turn her back on all of it with a snap of fingers, she could travel to Canada with her girlfriend and try a different approach to her healing — much like Dan, who was packing his bags for Hawaii to see Benjamin and kick back together.

"You ready, babe?", Maze questioned after tossing her bag of whips and knives over her shoulder — the very same that Trixie had tried to sneak on — and as a charming smirk matched the wild enthusiasm shining in the abyss of her eyes, the demon offered her other arm for Izzy. With a deep inhale to take in the last breath of something familiar, the redhead nodded, and cautious of the bumpy scar that had begun to form on the old place of her stitches, she looped her arm with Maze's before waving goodbye to Chloe.

Even if the Decker was worried for the two women who were so bravely heading off, Izzy didn't feel the same anxiety — she had done her fair share of checking and lists and packing, and now, there was nothing else left to do except making their first trip as a couple.



WITH ELLA'S SNACKS and Lucifer's playlist, Izzy had been kept occupied during the handful of hours their flight took, whereas Mazikeen had opted for going over her game plan over and over again until she had fallen asleep. Many things did not intimidate the woman, but Isadora's heart had swelled when she had understood that being on an airplane for the first time was rooting some well-justified anxiety in the demon, but once her hand had been grabbed by her girlfriend, who didn't hesitate to offer words of comfort, the nerves had calmed down a notch. Izzy, on the other hand, wasn't scared of flying — she wasn't all that experienced, and she certainly preferred road trips, but somehow, the dangers of planes failed to shake her down. Perhaps she was just choosing to ignore all the downsides to stop them from gaining control over her, but either way, she had been rational and calm from take-off, until the eventual landing.

Instead of bothering Izzy's grandparents with their violent intentions, or finding a sleek hotel a little way's down, the lovebirds were headed to a ski lodge, where they presumed Ben Rivers could be found. Before jumping into action, though, the two had to check into a room without raising any suspicions or drawing any extra attention to them, and with that in mind, Isadora was taking the lead as she shoved the entrance of the lodge open and pretended to have a hard time with the bag she was dragging behind. Maze was curiously eyeing the redhead, though she didn't argue with the plan Izzy had concocted — anyone who knew Maze, knew that playing it polite and innocent was not her strong suit, though desperate times could drive her to desperate measures, too. But, now that she had a partner-in-fighting-crime, she didn't have to suffer through the fake smiles, when she could simply leave the sweet-talking to the Holt.

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