Chapter 9

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As you walked in between Tae and Jungkook, you couldn't help but feel like someone was watching you. Occasionally, you'd stop and look around you.

"I'm so paranoid right now...", you muttered.

"What's wrong, (Name)? You're looking around a lot."

"N-Nothing. I was just curious about things considering I haven't really had the chance to properly see Seoul yet", you lied.

"Oh, that's right. Don't worry. We'll take you to see the sights sometime."

"Thanks, Hyung."


You sipped on a slushie as you tapped your fingers on the table. It was a beat you had stuck in your head.

Putting your drink down, you hummed the tune, occasionally saying a few words.

"But I met a girl with a porcelain name...Easy to talk to but hard to explain...What do I do when I'm fallin for you...The girl with the porcelain name...Meets a boy with a cardboard face...", you sang softly.

The others just listened quietly, sipping on their own drinks.

"She went to an artist to make her look new...To cover her scars like a shotgun tattoo...The colors, they stayed but then faded away...The girl with the porcelain name."

"Ooh, what tune is that? A new song of yours?", Tae asked excitedly.

The maknae line looked towards you with sparkling eyes, waiting for your response. The Hyung line also took interest.

"Well, actually...a friend from America sent me this song. I personally find it to be a catchy song."

"Sing it."

"I don't know..."

"Please~?", Tae begged.

You sighed to yourself, a sudden nervousness coming over you. You always sang, but that was when you were alone. You were only slightly comfortable when you were in front of your own family. This was starting to stress you out a bit.

"Guys, I don't think he wants to. Right, (Name)?", Jin said as he looked your way with concern, noticing your slight distress.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. "I...I can try..."

Jin smiled to himself, proud that you would try and overcome your fear.

(Play Music)

"They call me the kid with a cardboard face
Pencil, a smile, a frown that'd erase
Make me a monster with paper mache
I'm the kid with a cardboard face
I drew what I had with some black sunglasses
A girl took my shades and she sharpied eyelashes
A boy stole my snapback and burned my hair straight
I'm the kid with a cardboard face
But I met a girl with a porcelain name
Easy to talk to but hard to explain
What do I do when I'm fallin for you
The girl with the porcelain name
Meets a boy with a cardboard face
She went to an artist to make her look new
To cover her scars like a shotgun tattoo
The colors, they stayed but then faded away
The girl with the porcelain name
But I met a girl with a porcelain name
Easy to talk to but hard to explain
What do I do when I'm fallin for you
The girl with the porcelain name
Meets a boy with a cardboard face

Ahhh oooo
Ahhh oooo
I met a girl with a porcelain name
Easy to talk to but hard to explain
What do I do when I'm fallin for you-oo-oo
The girl with the porcelain na-ame
Meets a boy with a cardboard face
But I met a girl with a porcelain name
She's easy to talk to she's hard to explain
What do I do, come on tell me it's true
The girl with the porcelain name
Loves a boy with a cardboard face."

They clapped and cheered as you looked at them, your cheeks warm in embarassment.

"That was incredible, (Name)! You got some vocals!", Tae yelled happily as he clapped.

"T-Thank you."

"Sorry to interrupt, but would you like to order?", a waiter asked as he came to your table with a notepad and pen in his hands.

You picked up the menu and began looking through it. "Hmm..."

"What are you getting, (Name)?"

"I'm not sure."

"When you're hungry, chicken is the best", Namjoon stated with his signature smile.

You chuckled slightly along with the rest of the members. "I'll take the chicken then."

"Fried or grilled."

"Fried, please."



The rest of the day was spent playing games at the arcade. For this one game, it was multi-player and dealt with music. It was you against Jimin.

Sadly for Jimin, you took the win for that game. Jimin chuckled slightly, congratulating you on your win. "Jimin, you got no jams", Namjoon stated.

From there, you couldn't stop laughing after he said that. "(Name), why would you laugh?", Jimin asked with a pout.

Tae put his arm on your shoulder to help him keep his balance as he laughed, small tears making their way to the corner of his eyes.

Next, you were placed inside a photo booth with the whole group. After Hoseok set it up to a customized frame, you posed slightly.

Some of the members were laughing at how they turned out in the picture after they were done. Jin looked at himself before saying, "Yeah. Worldwide handsome."


"Alright. Good night, guys."

The members said their good nights as they watched you make your way to your room before making their way to the guest room while the others stayed in the living room.

Your ringing phone startled you a little before you picked it up.


"Oh, (Name)! How are you? It's been so long since I've heard your voice!"

"Eomma. Hi. It's good to hear you again."

"My, it's only been a few months, but I feel like your voice has indeed gotten deeper."

"Has it?"

"When will you visit? Your sister isn't too far off from graduating, you know? Besides, we all miss you very much."

"Don't worry, Eomma. As soon as the exams end, I'll make my way back to Goyang to see you guys."

"How's school going? It's not too stressful, is it?"

"It's fine. I made some friends."

"What about the boys? You haven't fainted or anything, have you?"


"Kidding, kidding."

"Actually, I've gotten comfortable around them. I enjoy their company. They're funny and goof off sometimes. But, they work hard, especially when it comes to Army. They appreciate their fans and recognize that because of their support and love they move forward as a group. They push themselves past their limits just to give back to their fans. I admire that about them. I want to be just as passionate about my own work. Maybe even more."

"That's good to hear. Good luck, (Name). I know you can do it."


"I see you're still here", a voice said with venom evident in their tone.

Your eyes widened, recognizing the voice. You gulped as you backed up a little.

"Why are you here?"

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