Chapter 6

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"(Name), what are you doing?", Jin asked as he walked in.

"Huh? Oh, Jin-Hyung! What a nice surprise. What brings you here?", You said nervously.

"We were going to buy some furniture with you, remember? You asked us to come with you yesterday."

"I did?", you mumbled to yourself. "Oh, right! I totally forgot! So sorry, Jin-Hyung. I forgot all about it. So many things to think about", you said, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly.

"We're ready to go if you are."

"Yeah. Let me just change. Give me a second, Jin-Hyung. Come in."

He walked in and sat on the sofa while you went to grab a change of clothes.


"So, what exactly did you have in mind?", Hoseok asked.

You were walking between Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jin. The maknae line and Yoongi were behind you, listening to your conversation with the three other Hyungs.

"I'm not real sure what style, but I know I want a desk, chairs, table, a lamp, and maybe a few other necessities."

"True. You don't have much room to work with."



₩1,111,000 = $1,000

₩155,540 = $140

₩955,460 = $860

₩55,570.99 = $50

"(Name), what about this one?", Jungkook called out to you as he stood in front of a nice-looking desk.

"It's nice. I like it. It won't take up much room. And it's only ₩155,540. Meaning, I have ₩955,460 left."

"I found a lamp that could go with the desk", Yoongi said as looked at it.

You walked beside him, thinking where you could put it.

"It could work."

You grabbed the price tag and looked at it.

"₩55,570.99. Not bad. It works."

You continued shopping for the rest of the day, taking short breaks at the food court.


"Thanks for coming with me today. I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you guys."

"It's no problem at all."

"I had fun."

"So did I."

You smiled tenderly, having that weight that they might not like it lift off your shoulders.

"Thanks again."

"You're welcome. By the way, your stuff should be here by tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll see you guys tomorrow then."

They watched as you walked down the hall towards the exit.


On your way back to your apartment, you stayed cautious of yourself. Every noise startled you.

I don't wanna die today. I don't wanna die today.

Having had enough of being startled at every sound, you dashed towards your apartment. Once unlocking it and getting inside, you slammed and locked the door. As you walked further in, you checked every corner.

"I'm so paranoid right now...", you muttered.

You spent half an hour looking around. Luckily, you didn't find anything. You settled down and decided to take a shower to calm your nerves.

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