Happy Birthday, TaeTae!!

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Lots of love on your special day, Tae! I bless you and the boys with more success. I hope that good things come your way. Stay energetic and never change. Keep being yourself, because there really is no one better to be than yourself.

Stay weird, Tae. You and the boys have done well over the course of this year. What a way to end it too. May nothing but successful, more fame and recognition, love, and hope fill your path as you continue your career.

You deserve the world and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, You've worked for this. You really have. You started at the bottom and shot your way to the top. Cheers! To more success in the future. I love you!


Taehyung Birthday Special:

"Man, why did we put up so many Christmas lights?"

"I told you, but it's you guys' fault. You were so caught up in trying to beat the lady next door that you bought more decorations than you knew what to do with", you said with crossed arms.

The Bangtan boys, except Yoongi, were putting away the decorations. Before Christmas day rolled around, they challenged your neighbor to a decorating contest. Not only did they blow a lot of money on this stupid contest, they made your apartment seem like Santa Clause broke in and exploded the place with lights, glitter, and ornaments.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it."

"Huh? You're leaving?"

"I have to take care of something."

You waved and walked out of your apartment.


"Let's see...what flavor of cake would Tae like...?"

"Welcome, sir. Can I help you with something?"

"What flavors do you have available in terms of cake?"

"Well, we have your standard vanilla, chocolate, and red velvet."

"Anything else?"

"No, not at the moment."

"I see. Thank you anyway."

You left the bakery and decided to make it yourself, so you made your way to a nearby supermarket. You buried yourself into your scarf, the cold biting at your cheeks and nose. "Welcome to (Store name)."

You nodded at him and made your way further into the store. Picking up a box, you looked at it closely. "Cinnamon..."

You placed it inside the basket and went on, gathering the rest of the ingredients. Your next stop was pick up some gifts before heading to the place you reserved for Tae's birthday party.


"Hey, (Name)."

"Oh, Bo Gum-hyung."

"Need help with the decorations?"

"If you don't mind."

"Not at all."

He took off his blazer and placed it on a chair before grabbing some stuff to hang up. "Aren't the others gonna help you too?"

"Nah. They're busy distracting Taehyung-hyung."

"You two started without me?"

You both turned to see Min Jae standing at the doorway. "Great timing, Hyung. Mind helping Bo Gum-hyung with decorations?"

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