Chapter 7

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Walking in, you feared having to see the other manager. Jungkook and Yoongi looked at you weirdly. You kept looking from side to side as you walked.

Jungkook tried to keep his laughter in from how funny you walked. Yoongi shook his head before calling out to you.


Startled, you turned slowly. You sighed in relief and Jungkook could no longer hold in his laughter. The older just grinned.


Before you could realize what happened, you were already on the floor with Taehyung on top of you. He had you enveloped in a hug.

"Can't...! Breathe...! Tae...!"

"Oh, sorry!", he said and got off of you, pulling you to your feet.

"We were waiting for you. Stop goofing off and let's head back to the others."

Tae grabbed you by the arm and started running. You were stumbling a little along the way, but you found yourself laughing. Jungkook wanted to join in, so he ran beside you.

Yoongi sighed and took his time walking back to the room. The others were startled when you three busted through the door.

"Hey, Hyungs! Guess who's back?"

"(Name)!", they all said.

Everyone's heads turned to see Yoongi walk in.

"Hyung, you're late", Tae said with a grin.

"I don't have the energy to play around like you two hyper animals", he replied and fell back on the sofa.

"He's not the only one who's tired", Hobi said while stretching. "We got so much practice in today. My muscles ache."

"Anyway, back to why we're all here. (Name)."


"We have a concert in two weeks. We talked and agreed that we should perform your songs."

"Wow! I'm so honored. Thank you so much", you said with a genuine smile.

"I'm not done."

"Oh. Sorry about that."

"We also want you to be there. As in, watch our show as a VIP."

You froze in shock. Your head couldn't wrap around this. It had always been your dream to attend one of their shows as a VIP. I mean, already meeting them in person and working with them was enough to kill you from excitement and nervousness. This just took it another step.

You wanted to faint from hearing this. It was too good to be true. Actually, no it's not. This whole thing has been a fan's dream. And you were living it. So all of it was too good to be true.

"(Name)? Hello? Earth to (Name)!"

"Huh?", you said, snapping out of your daze.

"So? What do you think?"

"U-Umm, that would be great! Thank you very much, Hyungs."

"Great. So, what songs would you like us to perform?"



"I was wondering. Why don't you guys pick them? I want you to judge how good they are. You know, since I'm the one who wrote them, I wanna hear your feedback."

"(Name), we need you up front."

"Oh. I'll be right there. Anyway, thanks again."

You left the room, following the man as he led you to the front.

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