Chapter 13

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Previously on BTS: Male Insert...

The three boys are still looking for you. Good news is, they found a lead! You're slowly losing your strength, pleading for your saviors. But, don't worry! Jungkook and his amazing bunny senses -as said by K-Yuri. Check them out! (^w^)- has figured out who to go to next!

Tune in now! See what happens next in today's chapter!






The three stayed several feet away from the man, trying to act like they were totally not following him.

"Why are we following this guy again?", Yoongi asked quietly.

"I have a feeling he seems to know something."

"I agree with Kookie. He does seem suspicious. Besides, this could be our chance to find (Name)."

They stood off to the side as they watched the man walk into a store. "Seriously? What's this guy doing at a pet store? Just great. This is a complete waste of our time. (Name) could be off somewhere getting tortured while we sit here and wait for this totally random guy dressed in a jacket with some fishy-looking glasses to finish his errands getting who-knows-what at a store made for suiting the needs of domesticated animals", Yoongi complained, barely taking a breath.

"Calm down, Yoongi."


It had officially been an hour that they had been standing there. Currently, they had taken the liberty of sitting down. Yoongi was nodding off occasionally. "Waiting is so boring...", he muttered to himself.

"There he goes!", Jungkook whisper shouted, shaking Yoongi.

They immediately stood up and began following him. Jungkook put his index finger up to his lips, telling the two to be quiet. Eventually, they had walked out far enough.

Hobi motioned them to hide behind the broken down truck that was sitting there, left to rust away. They peeked over to see another man with a cage in his hand. Inside, they could see a small animal. It appeared to be coiled up.

They watched closely as the man took off his sunglasses and mouth mask. Still, the boys couldn't see who it was. "Let's get closer."

The other two nodded and they slowly made their way around the building as the two men went inside. Being the first to peek over the pile of junk metal, Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Guys...", he started, not believing who it was.

"What is it?"

"That...That's our other manager..."

The two quickly peeked over to see that he was right. "But...what is he doing out here?", Hoseok asked quietly, his eyes narrowing.

Looking around, his eyes fell on a person. He tapped Jungkook's shoulder. "Is that...Is that who I think it?"


Yoongi slid down quietly from the stack of metal, trying as carefully as possible to dial the emergency line.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

"...a friend of ours has been kidnapped...we're at the location where he's being kept hostage...please...hurry..."

"Don't worry, sir. We're on our way."

He put the phone back into his pocket and peeked back over the pile. Their soon-to-be-fired-and-arrested manager opened the cage.

"Oh, (Name)~ Your little friend is back."

The three watched in horror as he held the snake in his hand while your chest moved up and down rapidly, struggling to get out of the chains.

Hurry! Please, hurry!

Yoongi prayed in his mind, not being able to take what was going to happen. His eyes widened more when he realized what kind of snake it was. It was a European Adder. Its bite is indeed venomous.

They're taking too long!

Yoongi stepped out, shouting at the two men. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

A dark aura formed around Yoongi as he walked towards them with a glare. "Ah, Suga. Nice of you to join us."

"Shut your mouth!"

Jungkook and Hoseok also came out of hiding and ran up next to Yoongi. "So, the three of you decided to come look for (Name)?"

"I said shut your mouth!"

"Demanding, are we? Well, I guess now I can say that I was never fond of any of you."

"Figures you'd say that. And to be perfectly honest with you, I never took a liking to you either", Yoongi said with venom.

Jungkook turned his head to you and quickly rushed over to help. "Hang on, (Name). We're here to help you", the muscle bunny said as he looked around you for a way to take off the chains. "What the-- There's a lock on this."

"There is?", Hoseok said with worry as he too bent down to help you.

You tried to tell them that everything was hurting, but your words were muffled by the cloth and tape around your mouth. Hoseok quickly removed the tape and untied the cloth, letting you breath a little more.

You gasped out, coughing up blood. "Are you okay!?", Jungkook shouted with concern.

"H-Hurts...", you said, your breath a little hitched.

"What were you planning to do with him?"

"Like I'd ever tell you."

"Well", he started before smirking. "You don't have to tell me. You have to tell them."

Yoongi pointed to his right with his thumb. A group of policemen arrived and cuffed him. "Tell them what you needed (Name) for."

The man chuckled darkly. Yoongi's smirk fell to a look of disgust and hatred. "Good luck getting him out of that", he said, motioning his head towards you.

"Why you little--", Yoongi was about to go off on him until two police officers held him back.

"Calm down, sir."

They let go of his arms. "I'm calm, I'm calm", he said, turning his back, acting like he was walking away.

Then, he turned back around, about lunge at him again. But, he was held back once more.

Another two officers bent down to help you out of the chains. "Control, this is officer Seung-kyung."

"I hear you loud and clear, officer Seung-kyung."

"Send an ambulance, over."

"On it. Ambulance is being sent now."


"No problem."

After awhile, they finally managed to take the chains off you. You took a deep breath, feeling your body ache at maximum pain level.

"Can you stand, son?"

You shook your head, lungs and sides hurting with each breath you took. Yoongi ran over, asking where it hurt.

As soon as the ambulance arrived, Yoongi and Hoseok helped you up, with Jungkook helping the paramedics set you down carefully.


"Don't worry, Mi Sun...Your brother is okay."

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