Ch. 29: Golden opportunity

Start from the beginning

She grabbed the new items, together with black slacks and a white t-shirt, and disappeared into the bathroom. And to be honest, I felt quite excited to see the result. But I waited, and waited, and waited. And waited... But Michaela never came out. I was starting to wonder if she suddenly had changed into one of Michael's other personalities, and that maybe it was Geeksy, that was in there, analyzing the crap out of the material the jacket was made of. And I even tried to hear if she was doing the thing I had asked her specifically not to do. But I heard nothing. I actually doubted that she did play with herself at all anymore, after she got familiar with the real deal. But I guess you never know. She was Michaela, after all.

"Are you okay in there?" I asked, at last.

"Yeah! I'll be right there. Juuuust a second..."

She mumbled the last part. But merely a minute later, the bathroom door swung open with a pang as it hit the wall, and Divinity in Motion came out in high strides and nose in the air.


I was completely blown away. I could never ever have imagined her to look like a superstar, but she looked amazing!

Gosh... You keep forgetting how extra she is. And her taste in fashion is really no exception. But look at her, Gail! You gotta admit those clothes look good on her! No, trash that. She looks hot! And you know... She could easily have chosen a mini skirt, a crop top and way too high heels. Give her some credit. She even looks like the man she actually is. A friggin sexy man too! But still, a man with...

"Makeup?!" I blurted out.

"Yes! Was it too much? I might have been a liiiittle generous on the eye shadow, but I think I nailed the eyeliner quite nice, don't ya' think? I should have gone for a little more redness in the lip gloss, though, but..."

"NO! No, no, no! No redness. No... Uhm... You..."

I placed my palm on my forehead, as if that would help me to process it all. It didn't.

Your boyfriend wears makeup, Gail. And he looks fucking hot! Face it!

"Y-you... I..."

I just couldn't speak. I was so out of it, I couldn't form any sentences whatsoever. Instead my eyes were glued to Michaela like magnets, while she did a few dance moves that made her look like a robot.

"This jacket will look awesome in the stage lights, just wait and see. I just wish I had a cleavage to show off, to get some extra tip. But I guess this glove will help." She put on a single white glove, covered in sequins.

"Cleavage..." I snorted, mumbling in disbelief. This was such a weird conversation to have with your husband!

"Can I borrow yours?" she asked with battering eyelashes, before she cracked up.

"Y-you can't... I..."

"What? You dropped your vocabulary somewhere? Well, you'd better go searching for it, because now it's time for some freak-ass goldpants! Brace yourself."

She wiggled her eyebrows playfully, and shut the bathroom door behind her. And after a couple of minutes, I managed to clear my head somewhat. But that didn't last very long, because soon after, Michaela introduced herself as Queen Diva, in true circus manner.

ERROR! DEFAULT! MEMORY ERASED! EVERY FUCKING FILE IN YOUR BRAIN IS DELETED AND CAN NEVER BE RESTORED! You are officially dead, Gail. Flatlined, in trembling catatonia. Lightyears beyond saving. You. Just got killed. By a pair of pants. Goldpants!

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