2| Second Identity

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Kylian pauses in shock for a slight second at the sight of his Lordship's younger daughter. Tatiana stood at her father's side, clearly distraught from some news she just heard.

Last he heard of her was a decade ago, she was sent away to the planet Heatha by her father after her boyfriend died in an Amity mission. It was unexpected because he was a part of Amity.

Amity was the peacekeeping sector of the Chaotic Army and the smallest, a lot of soldiers aren't needed. All their missions involved promoting peace and acting as diplomats and ambassadors.

His death caused Tatiana to sink into some sort of miserable state. Even though they were only together for a week and he was probably her third boyfriend in a month.

Kylian's sister in law had always been a funny case; The mirror definition of a spoilt rotten, selfish princess. The complete contrast to her half sister, in both looks and behaviour. Tatiana had dirty brown ringlets that reached just past her shoulders and olive skin. She was about 16 and acted even younger. If she wanted something, she'd demand it. She was well aware of her rank and used it.

Cecelia on the other hand, was kind. The most unselfish being Kylian has ever met. She was smart and knew things, you couldn't hide anything from her. Her hair was dark, a dark brown. Her skin was the colour of rich mahogany. She was tall, her features were defined and delicate looking. People like her were rare to find not only in Crux but anywhere. When Kylian had her, he valued her.

But in the end, it just wasn't enough.

He swallows and blinks, before quickly ruling his face.

All these years and it still bothers him. He wonders if it would all ever go away.

The only thing Tatiana had that was similar to Cecelia was her eyes. Big, dark violet coloured orbs. Those same eyes questioned him, confused.

Why am I here?, They asked.

Or maybe it was, Why are you here?

The Wicked Company has been a well kept secret for decades. Chaos told no one when seventeen chaotic years ago, he decided to create a special organisation that was to exist purely for his private, unknown missions. He knew exactly what he wanted and issued a search all over the universe for talented individuals with specific skill sets that would make the team. He found seven; An extremely observant spy, an innocent looking but lethal courtesan, a manipulative actor, a warrior lost between death and life (his soul merged with another), a highly skilled criminal hacker, a wise advisor and his student assassin in training.
Only a small circle of people know about the small organisation. And that section continues to gets smaller and smaller each year especially now with the death of a member.

Has Chaos told her?

Her father, Lord Chaos sat down on the throne like, chair on a tall, round table, silently observing them.
His magnificent eyes held so much- well, chaos. It felt as if staring at them for too long will make a person crazy. Kylian knows that when he first arrived at the Crux he almost did.
He is dressed in the same attire from when Kylian saw him last. But on his head is a simple red crown with purple gems in which smoke twirled around like a ball, showing his rank as king.

All six of them, including Kylian, bows before Chaos.

"Your majesty." They chorus. "Princess."

Tatiana looks on with slight confusion. 

She doesn't know yet.

He glances at them with blank eyes before slowly nodding.


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