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We made a plan. Of sorts. Our team is to be brought to Frill where we hope to stop whatever plan Belle Corp. has. The rest of our team will gain access to Belle Corp.'s secrets and find a way to debomb the bombs or at least help us find their weaknesses.


Odeo sits beside me and puts an arm around me.


"You okay?"

He looks at me, concern lacing his eyes as he looks at the pill still in my hand.

I hesitated and I still am.

"What if something happens to me? What if the memories I remember are- not what I want? What if they hurt more than now? What if-"

He cuts me off with a soft kiss on my cheek. "Don't overthink. Those what ifs are just that. What ifs. You'll only know when you find out. And I'm here. We all are."

I nod and take a deep breath. "Hand me the water bottle please."

He hands it to me and I take the pill.

Amber looks out from the log cabin.

"What news do you bring?" She asks as the footsteps approach.

"They're on their way. The next branch won't know what hit them." The man reports.

Amber nods. "Good. We need to act fast. Either we leave no trail or we blame it on the good guys who'll try to stop us."

Her husband walks in, a smirk on his face. "I think it'll be more fun to blame someone."

She gives him a slow kiss. "I love the way you think."

Bethany holds her father's hand over the transparent paper. His eyes show his defeat and he willingly allows his handprint to open the redbox.

"I'm in." I say.

Bethany releases the pressure on her father's wrist and forces him to stand.

"Take him." She commands Carlos.

He brings the Chancellor out and to know who knows where. Knowing Bethany, she won't do anything to hurt her father but she will be sure he'll be watched.

"What's in it?" She asks, sitting beside me.

I stare at the screen, not believing what I'm seeing.

She takes in a sharp breath. "We can end this."

She looks at me with a hard stare. She tries to be tough, and I guess she is. But we all know that no matter how weak I act, I'm still the strongest and best agent here. And at such a young age.

She lunges at me and I sidestep. She falls face forward and I keep a foot on her back while I take out my knife.

"Come on." I growl.

"You have to put up a fight or else they'll kick you out." I whisper harshly.

She nods and pushes against me. I press harder. She finally manages to get up and I step back. My knife is ready and so is hers.

And we battle.

The next matches take up the rest of the day. I beat all ten of them.


I turn to look at the man walking towards me.

"You have a mission."

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